貧民區的小女孩 雙語笑話
Impudent Questions A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to a group of little East-Siders. The little girl, as she drank her tea and ate her plum-cake on a velvet lawn under a white-blooming cherry tree, said to her hostess: "Does your husband drink?" "Why-er-no, not to excess," was the astonished reply. "How much does he make?" "He doesn't work, " said the lady. "He is a capitalist." "You keep out of debt, I hope?" "Of course, child. What on earth do you mean by all these impudent questions?" "Impudent?" said the little girl. "Why, Ma'am, Mother told me to be sure and behave like a lady, and when ladies call at our rooms they always question Mother like that."
一個住在城東貧民區的小女孩獲得邀請,參加一位貴婦人為城東貧民區的孩子們舉行的花園晚會。 在一棵開滿了白色小花兒的櫻桃樹下,小女孩坐在柔軟的草地上,一邊品嘗著她的茶和梅子蛋糕,一邊對貴婦人說:“你的丈夫酗酒嗎?” “呃,呃,不,他喝得不多。”夫人一臉驚詫。 “他掙多少錢?” “他不工作,”夫人回答說,“他是個資本家。” “我希望你們沒有負債吧?” “當然沒有,孩子。你問這么些無禮的問題到底是想說什么呢?” “無禮?”小女孩說,“怎么會呢,夫人?媽媽要我的舉止一定要象夫人們一樣,當她們到我們家做客的時候,她們總是那樣問我媽媽的。”