古德明英語軍事小故事:指 揮 若 定(中英對照)
古德明《征服英語》之英語軍事故事,古德明,香港英語教育作家,他開了一個《征服英語專欄》,在專欄中專門用英語寫了世界近代史上的軍事小故事,用英語講述歷史中那些驚心動魄的戰爭。指 揮 若 定
the austro-prussian war of 1866 marked an important step towards the unification of germany. at the battle of koniggratz, there was a moment when it seemed that the crown prince of prussia might not arrive in time with his army and the separate prussian armies might be defeated.
but moltke, the prussian commander, was not worried. when prime minister bismarck rode up and offered him a cigar, he willingly accepted. in the case bismarck presented there were just two cigars left, one top quality havana and the other of a much poorer type. moltke studied them carefully before selecting the havana. the military situation was clearly not disturbing him, and bismarck was enormously reassured. within minutes the sound of the crown prince's guns could be heard in the distance. the battle was won.