安徒生童話:Soup on a Sausage-Peg 香腸栓熬的湯
i. soup from a sausage peg
"that was a perfectly delightful dinner yesterday," one old female mouse told another, who had not attended the feast. "i sat number twenty-one from the old mouse king, which wasn't at all bad. would you like to hear the menu? the courses were exceedingly well arranged-mouldy bread, bacon rind, tallow candle, and sausage, and then the same dishes all over again, from start to finish, so it was as good as two banquets. there was such a pleasant atmosphere, and such good humor, that it was like a family gathering. not a scrap was left except the pegs at the ends of the sausages.
"the conversation turned to these wooden pegs, and the expression 'soup from a sausage peg,' came up. everybody had heard it, but nobody had ever tasted such a soup, much less knew how to make it. we drank a fine toast to the health of whoever invented the soup, and we said he deserved to be appointed manager of the poorhouse. wasn't that witty? and the old mouse king rose and promised that the young maiden mouse who could make this soup should be his queen. he gave them a year and a day to learn how."
"that wasn't so bad, after all," said the other mouse. "but how do you make this soup?"
"yes, how do you make it? that's exactly what all the female mice are asking-the young ones and the old maids too. every last one of them wants to be the queen, but they don't want to bestir themselves and go out in the wide world to learn how to make soup, as they certainly would have to do. not everyone has the courage to leave her family and her own snug corner. out in the world one doesn't come upon cheese parings or smell bacon every day. no indeed. one must endure hunger, yes, and perhaps be eaten alive by the cat."