The Tang Priest's Journey for Scriptures
During the reign of Emperor Tai Zong (627-649) of the Tang Dynasty, at his request, esteemed Buddhist Monk Xuan Zang was sent to India, the birthplace of Buddhism, for scriptures. From Chang'an (present-day Xi'an), the capital of the Tang Dynasty, the monk journeyed west. When he eventually fulfilled the mission and returned, seventeen years had passed. From that time forward, Buddhism spread across China. As this legendary trip was told and relold by later generations, many embellishments were zealously added. Wu Cheng'en, using popular versions of the story along with his own fictional details, created the intriguing classical novel Journey to the West. The Tang Priest, Monkey, Pig and Friar Sand characters from the book are popular images among Chinese people.
Note: Wu Cheng'en(1500-1582), was a Ming Dynasty novelist.
唐貞觀年間(公元627 -649年),唐太宗重視佛教,派僧人玄奘到佛教發源地去取真經。唐僧離開長安,一直西行。用了長達十七年的時間,終于實現了自己的偉大宏愿,到達天竺國(今印度)取回了真經。從此,佛教在中國弘揚、傳播。玄奘取經事,歷史上確有其人其事,《西游記》就是根據這段歷史而寫成的一部文學著作,小說家吳承恩在民間口傳的基礎上,又加進了不少神話色彩,更增強了故事的可讀性和趣味性。小說中的唐僧、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙僧等人物形象,在中國家喻戶曉,老幼皆知。
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