相傳古代中國有四條神龍:長龍、黃龍、黑龍、珍珠龍。有一天,四條神龍發現大地干旱,人們都生活在水深火熱之中,于是善良的神龍們去懇求玉帝降雨。但可惡的玉帝竟拒絕了它們的請求,神龍不忍讓人們飽受痛苦,于是私自從大海中汲取水滴入口,再噴灑于空中,旱災終于得到的解除。但可惡的玉帝竟要狠狠懲罰它們,命山神將四龍鎖在山中……然而,一個名叫晶心的仙女勇敢的站了出來,用自己的法力釋放了神龍,并將自己的精心(靈魂)與四條神龍的靈魂合五為一...... 他們,化作了長江.黃河.黑龍江和珠江...四條中國最主要的江河,從此,人們過上了幸福美滿的生活...
once upon a time, there were no rivers and lakes on earth, but only the eastern sea, in which lived four dragons: the long dragon, the yellow dragon, the black dragon and the pearl dragon.
one day the four dragons flew from the sea into the sky. they soared and dived, playing at hide-and-seek in the clouds.
"come over here quickly!" the pearl dragon cried out suddenly.
"what's up?" asked the other three, looking down in the direction where the pearl dragon pointed. on the earth they saw many people putting out fruits and cakes, and burning incense sticks. they were praying! a white-haired woman, kneeling on the ground with a thin boy on her back, murmured: