- 格林童話: 十二個獵人(英)
- The Twelve HuntsmenJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a prince who had a fiancée whom he loved very much. Once when he was sitting beside her very happily, news came that his f...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 十二個獵人(中)
- 從前有個王子,有個未婚妻,他非常愛她。有一次,他正和姑娘高高興興在一起,傳來國王病重的消息,并說國王想在死前再見王子一面。於是他對姑娘說:「我現在必須離開你。我給你一個戒指作紀念,等我當了國王就回來娶你。」...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 兔子新娘(英)
- The Hare's BrideJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was once a woman and her daughter who had a beautiful garden with cabbages. A hare got into it, and during the winter he ate all the cabbages. So t...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 兔子新娘(中)
- 從前有個婦人,她帶著女兒住在一座漂亮的花園里,院子里種了許多卷心菜。冬天,有只兔子來到院子里偷吃卷心菜,媽媽對女兒說:「去把那兔子趕走。」小姑娘就出來對兔子說:「喂!兔子,你快把我們家的卷心菜吃光了。」兔子對...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 狼和人(英)
- The Wolf and the ManJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cun...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 狼和人(中)
- 從前有只狐貍向狼談起人的力量,說沒有動物能抵擋得了,所以他認為所有動物都必須施展計謀才能保護自己。可狼回答說:「假如我有機會碰到一個人,我就撲上去讓他無法抵擋。」狐貍說:「我可以幫你碰到人啊。明早你早點...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 狐貍和貓(英)
- The Fox and the CatJacob and Wilhelm Grimm It happened that the cat met Mr. Fox in the woods. She thought, "He is intelligent and well experienced, and is highly regarded in the world," so she...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 狐貍和貓(中)
- 一只貓在森林里遇到一只狐貍,心想:「他又聰明,經驗又豐富,挺受人尊重的。」於是它很友好地和狐貍打招呼:「日安,尊敬的狐貍先生,您好嗎?這些日子挺艱難的,您過得怎么樣?」狐貍傲慢地將貓從頭到腳地打量了一番,半天拿不定...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 聰明的格蕾特(英)
- Clever GretelJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There was a cook whose name was Gretel. She wore shoes with red heels, and whenever she went out wearing them she would turn this way and that way, and she...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 聰明的格蕾特(中)
- 從前有個名叫格蕾特的廚娘,她有一雙紅跟鞋。每當她穿著這雙鞋子外出的時候,總是左邊右邊來回轉,心里美著自己:「你真是個挺漂亮的姑娘呢!」回到家,她總要高興地喝上一口酒,而酒又能開胃,所以無論自己做的甚么菜她都覺...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 祖父和孫子(英)
- The Old Grandfather and His GrandsonJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a very, very old man. His eyes had grown dim, his ears deaf, and his knees shook. When he sat at the table...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 祖父和孫子(中)
- 從前有個很老很老的老人,眼睛花,耳朵也背,雙膝還不住地發抖。每當他坐在餐桌前吃飯時,湯匙也握不穩,常常把菜湯撒在桌布上,湯還會從嘴邊流出來。兒子和媳婦都嫌棄他,老人只好躲到灶后的角落里吃飯。他們給他一只瓦盆...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 女水妖(英)
- The Water NixieJacob and Wilhelm Grimm A little brother and little sister were playing by a well, and while they were playing there they both fell in. A water nixie was down there. She said, "N...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 女水妖(中)
- 從前有兄妹兩人在井邊玩耍,不小心掉進了井里。下面住著一個女水妖,把他們抓了去,說:「現在你們可是在我的手里了,替我好好干活吧!」她給小姑娘一把亂糟糟的亞麻要她紡,給她一個漏了的水桶要她打水;男孩子則被迫去砍伐...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 傻瓜漢斯(英)
- Hans in LuckJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Hans had served his master for seven years, so he said to him, "Master, my time is up. Now I would like to go back home to my mother. Give me my wages." T...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 傻瓜漢斯(中)
- 漢斯的母親問:「漢斯,你上哪兒去?」「我去格蕾特那里。」漢斯回答說。「要有禮貌啊,漢斯。」「我一定會有禮貌的。再見,媽媽。」「再見,漢斯。」漢斯來到格蕾特家。「你好,格蕾特!」「你好,漢斯!你帶來甚么好東西?」「我...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 少女和獅子(英)
- The Singing, Springing LarkJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a man who was about to set forth on a long journey. At his departure he asked his three daughters what he should br...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 少女和獅子(中)
- 從前,有一個商人準備出門作一次短途旅行。他有三個女兒,出門前,他問他的女兒們想要自己給她們帶甚么禮物回來。大女兒說她想要珍珠,二女兒說想要寶石,但小女兒卻說道:「親愛的爸爸,給我帶一枝玫瑰花來吧。」當時正是...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 牧鵝姑娘(英)
- The Goose-GirlJacob and Wilhelm Grimm There once lived an old queen whose husband had been dead for many years, and she had a beautiful daughter. When the princess grew up she was promised in m...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 牧鵝姑娘(中)
- 很久以前,有一個老王后,她的國王丈夫已經死了許多年,她有一個美麗漂亮的女兒。女兒長大以后,與很遠的國家的一個王子訂了婚。到了快結婚的日子,老王后把一切都打點好了,讓她啟程去王子所在的國家。她為女兒收拾了很...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 老希爾德布朗(英)
- Old HildebrandJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a peasant whose wife appealed to the village priest. The priest wanted ever so much to spend an entire day alone with her, and t...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 老希爾德布朗(中)
- 從前有一個農夫和他的老婆,村里的牧師迷戀著他的老婆,早就希望和她痛痛快快地過一天,農夫的老婆也有此意。一天,牧師對農婦說:「聽著,我的朋友,我想出一招,我們可以痛痛快快地在一起過一天。我來告訴你,禮拜三那天,你必...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 萬事通大夫(英)
- Doctor Know-AllJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a poor peasant by the name of Crab who drove two oxen with a load of wood into town where he sold it to a doctor for two thaler...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 萬事通大夫(中)
- 從前有一個貧窮的農夫名叫螃蟹,趕著兩頭牛拉了一車木頭進城,以二個金幣的價格將木頭賣給了一個大夫。大夫一邊給他點錢,一邊坐在桌旁吃飯,農夫看見大夫的飯菜如此豐盛,從內心感到慕,心想如果自己也是大夫該多好。他...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事 -
- 格林童話: 玻璃瓶中的妖怪(英)
- The Spirit in the Glass BottleJacob and Wilhelm Grimm Once upon a time there was a poor woodcutter who worked from morning until late at night. When he had finally saved up some money he said t...
2018-12-12 英語故事_英文故事_英語小故事