想要在GRE作文部分的考試中寫出優秀的文章,論據素材是重要的一環。好的論據不僅能幫助你支撐觀點,加強說服力,還能體現出考生在閱讀量上的積累和深厚扎實的語言功底基礎。特別是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作為儲備,才能保證考生無論遭遇那種題目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的寫作。小編為大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各類題目的精品優質素材,一起來看吧。
The progressive digitization of mass media and telecommunications content begins to blur earlier distinctions between the communication of information and its processing, as well as between people and machines. Digitization makes communications from persons to machines, between machines, and even from machines to persons as easy as it is between persons. Also blurred are the distinctions among information types: numbers, words, pictures, and sounds, and eventually tastes, odors, and possibly even sensations; all might one day be stored, processed, and communicated in the same digital format.
On a societal level, the digital and ICT revolutions make possible better and cheaper access to knowledge and information. This speeds up transactions and processes and reduces their cost, which in turn benefits citizens and consumers.
A mode of communication that is more prevalent in the developing world than the computer-based Internet is the mobile phone. In most of Asia the mobile phone has become a familiar gadget. Interestingly, mobile phones are not used only for making voice calls but also for short messaging. It is believed that in the developing world more people will access the Internet via mobile phones than computers.
“Cell-telephony” also fits a social pattern organized around communities of choice and individualized interaction based on the selection of time, place, and partners of the interaction. In addition, the development of wireless Internet increases the possibility of personalized networking to a broader range of social situations. This enhances the capacity of individuals to rebuild structures of sociability from the bottom up.
Technology development is the process of research and development of technology. The specific steps of technology development depend on the underlying technology. Examples of technology development include:
1. Software engineering
2. Bio-technology
3. Nano-technology
If we look at the history of technology and its development, we will see that the dot-com bust is part of the normal pattern of events in any technological revolution. Technology revolution starts with the introduction of one or more technologies that enables the new cluster.
1. The new technology cluster, at first little noticed, achieves successes in early demonstrations. Technical people start small companies based on the new ideas. These new companies compete intensely in this early turbulent phase, when government regulation is largely absent, and as successes mount in a technical free-for-all environment. The promise of extraordinary profit looms. The public begins to speculate.
2. The middle phase sees a sustained build-out or golden age of the technology, during which the technology becomes the engine of growth for the economy. Large companies and oligopolies reign, and the period is one of confidence and prosperity.