People are frequently confronted with huge amounts of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think the advertising industry exerts an influence upon people’s lives? And what measures could be adopted to counter the risk of the disastrous effects?
advertisements; exert an influence upon; adopt measures
此類題目是典型的blended essay的寫法,開頭結尾相對容易,body paragraphs分為兩段展開,按照題目提問的先后順序:首先,第一問可以寫廣告所帶來的諸多benefits,比如:廣告讓我們更加清晰了解產品特點getting a better understanding of how the products work;成為大多數企業的收入來源sources of revenue;部分廣告向人們宣傳健康生活方式,讓人們生活更加幸??鞓穖ore contented。當然也可以寫drawbacks,例如:很多商業廣告的虛假宣傳誤導了消費者消費misleading customers;部分廣告內容低俗,對青少年的身心發展不利negative effects on mental health;廣告泛濫使廣告形象大打折扣contribute to a bad self-image。其次,針對問題提出解決的solutions,這里可以從政府的角度切入,廣告利弊兼有,政府應當積極引導,以便廣告更好地服務于民眾。
1.in response to an advertisement回應廣告
5.tricks and catchy phrases花言巧語
6.Advertising is now a circus-show.廣告現在就像是在進行馬戲表演。
7.be immune to the influence of advertising不受廣告的影響
9.a great variety of beautiful products玲瑯滿目的商品
1. The effect advertising has on our society may be subtle, and most of us remain unaware of how it molds us to fill in the particular company’s needs.
2.While advertising is useful for a host of things, from selling products, to putting public announcements on the air, some of the effects are detrimental as they can intentionally misrepresent “real” people in their commercials.