171. 科技含量 technology content
172. 科教興國 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation
173. 可持續發展戰略 strategy of sustainable development
174. 工業園區 industrial park
175. 技術密集型產品 technology-intensive product
176. 新興學科 new branch of science
177. 邊緣學科 frontier science
178. 高速寬帶互聯網 high-speed broadband networks
179. 電腦病毒 computer viruses
180. 電子商務 e-commerce; e-business
181. 黑客 hacker
182. 數字地球 digital globe
183. 局域網 local area network
184. 人工智能 artificial intelligence
185. 網上沖浪 web-surfing
186. 網絡世界 cyber world
187. 網上犯罪 cyber crime
188. 信息高速公路 information highland
189. 網民 netizen
190. 虛擬現實 virtual reality
191. 克隆 cloning
192. 基因工程 genetic engineering
193. 轉基因食品 genetically modified food
194. “神舟六號”載人飛船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou VI
195. 掌上電腦 palm computer
196. 主頁 home page
197. 語音信箱 voice mail
198. 網絡經濟 cyber-economy
199. 網蟲 netter; Internet geek
200. 網戀 cyber romance; virtual romance
201. 高精尖技術 high-grade, high-precision, advanced technology
202. 科技扶貧 support poor areas using technology
203. 科研攻關 work towards key technological breakthroughs
204. 自費研究生 self-supporting graduate student
205. 委托培養 consign the training of personnel to a certain school
206. 填鴨式教學 cramming method of teaching
207. 啟發式教學 heuristic education
208. 復合型人才 interdisciplinary talent
209. 論文答辯 thesis oral defense
210. 素質教育 quality-oriented education
211. 教書育人 impart knowledge and educate people
212. 九年制義務教務教育 nine-year compulsory education
213. 德智體美勞全面發展
all around development of moral, intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education
214. 知識產權 intellectual property
215. 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude
216. 碩博連讀
a continuous academic program that involves postgraduate and doctoral study
217. 雙學位 double degree
218. 雙向選擇 two-way selection
219. 人才流失 brain drain
220. 陶冶情操 cultivate one’s taste and temperament
221. 學生減負 alleviate the burden on students
222. 學術交流 academic exchanges
223. 學科帶頭人 pace-setter in scientific research
224. 德才兼備 have both political integrity and ability
225. 攻讀碩士學位 study for a doctoral degree
226. 文科生 students of liberal arts
227. 理科生 students of science
228. 愛國主義教育 education in patriotism
229. 擇優錄取 enroll the excellent students
230. 畢業論文 graduation thesis
231. 畢業設計 graduation project
232. 義務教育 compulsory education
233. 高等教育 higher education
234. 選修課程 optional courses
235. 主修課程 major courses
236. 重點學科 key disciplinary areas
237. 德智體全面發展的學生
students who are well developed morally, intellectually and physically
238. 教育部 Ministry of Education
239. 博士生導師 doctoral supervisors
240. 世界觀﹑人生觀﹑價值觀 word outlook, outlook on life and values