名人家書:托馬斯愛德華勞倫斯 致母親(1)
fleece hotel colchester
august 13,1905
dear mother,
we came here from ipswich over a ratherhillyroad 18 miles long. still we took two hours overit;and walked about six hills; a proceeding fatherdoes not like. we are feeding splendidly. father is much better and has not coughed since lynn .
i have had to give up bures. we came by the other road because of the wind;stilli hope to getpebmarsh tomorrow , andi got one yesterday soi'm not altogether mournful.i have sent off all myrubbings tomiss powell; hope she'll like them. i expect you have will with you now.will you please tell him not to let you do more work than isnecessarytokeep you in condition? also tickle arnie when he gets up and when he goes to bed allfrom me. tell him there are dozens of butterfliesofall sorts about here, some red admirals; and alot of other very queer ones. ask beadle to comeup here as he has never seen a death's head or some suchinsect. norwichmuseumhe wouldhave enjoyed. there was the largest collection ofraptorial birds in existence 409 out of 470 species:iwonder ifhe'll shriek with horror whenhe hearsthati did not look at them but went off and examined the norman w.c.s.in the hall was athrilling stuffed group a boa constrictor stranglinga tiger. we hope to returntooxfordwednesday.kindly take heaps of love from me for yourself;and when you've had enough, divide the remainderinto three portions,and give them to the threeworms you have with you.iwonder how the
doctor is enjoying jerry. don't forget the canon's birthday next sunday.we have had onepost card from will, one from yourself and oneletter from you. loud snores to all. love to yourself.