Getting more comfortable with computer
When I stepped onto campus my freshman year of college with my one semester of C programming beneath my belt1, I had no clue that I would be appointed my floor's computer genius.
Maybe it was my willingness to help my floor mates hook up2 their computers, but suddenly everyone on my floor was turning to me for their computer problems. Rarely a day passed by without someone asking me to install some new piece of software, to get their printer up and running again, or teach them how to use some new program.
At first, I didn't have a clue why they would turn to me. It wasn't like I was a true computer guru3 who programmed for fun and could read binary4. I was just your average computer user who sometimes knew the right combination of buttons to help retrieve5 a " lost" paper. Then, one day after helping a friend squeeze6 far more programs than we probably should have onto her computer, the answer hit me: I understand the three fundamental rules for dealing with computers. Understand these rules and you too can have dozens of people convinced that you are THE source of computer knowledge.
Rule 1. Save7 It! When computers, or computer programs decide to shut down8 or otherwise fail you, it is almost always when you're on page 29 of your 30-page research9 paper. If you've been saving all along, you've
lost half a page, maybe a page, both of which are a lot easier to recreate10 from memory than the 29 pages you would have lost if you hadn't been saving at all.
Yes, some programs have an auto-save feature11, and some programs can even recover material you never saved. But often, these features fail. Saving often will save you a lot of headache. The general rule is to hit12 save every half-page or so.
Never have the only copy of your work saved on a single floppy disk13. Floppy disks are sensitive to everything from magnets14. They can and do fail. Save copies of your work on two separate floppies.
Rule 2. Help!! Almost every computer program has a help button designed to provide information about how to use the program. Many also come with a tutorial15 step-by-step guide that walks you through the basic use of the programs. Hardly anyone uses them. Using the help feature is not like asking for your directions. There's no stigma16 attached to using it, and no one but you and the computer even have to know that you used it. So use it, and embrace17 it, you'll be better off for it. Granted, sometimes the help feature won't be able to answer your question, but that's when you turn to other sources of help e.g., online tutorials, tech support lines, or that tech kid down the hall who hasn't left his room in a week.
Rule 3. Practice. If the only time you approach a computer is to type up a paper or check your e-mail, you won't ever get comfortable with them. To get comfortable use them a lot. Play with programs you've never tried before,learn a programming language, build your own web page. You'll find out that computers almost follow a pattern.
As colleges and businesses in general becomes more and more computer based, it's becoming mandatory18 to have a great working knowledge of computers. And while there are software packages (like Microsoft Office) that everyone should know how to use, being comfortable using computers isn't about memorizing how to use every computer program out there.
Anyone can teach you to use a program, but unless you get the gist19 of what you're doing when the technology changes, you'll be left computer illiterate20. Learn the fundamental rules, and use them, and you won't be left in the technological dust21.
2.hookup安裝 n.專家,權威
4.binary n.二進制
6.squeeze vt.硬塞 vt.保留,留下
9.research n.研究,調查
10.recreate vt.恢復
11.feature n.特點,特色
12.hit vt.擊,擊中
14.magnet n.磁體,磁鐵
15.tutorial adj.輔導的,指導的
16.stigma n.恥辱,污名
17.embrace vt.(欣然)接受,利用,采取
18.mandatory adj.強制的,必須履行的
19.gist n.要點,實質
20.illiterate n.文盲