What Color Is Your Mind?
Colors have long been associated with emotions and our moods. Consider, for example, how someone could be in a "black mood" or "tickled pink" or "green with envy."1 But, can you really psychoanalyze people based on the colors they choose? Dr. Paul Golden, a behavioral psychologist, says years of research leads him to believe that colors can tell a lot about a person. "We found that if people chose red and black in a particular sequence on the color spectrum they had migraine," says Dr. Golden. And based on those discoveries, "We put together a program so we could analyze people by their responses to color." At www.colorgenics.com, people click on rotating colored cubes based on whatever their preference is. Based on those choices, a psychological profile can be created of your mood and emotional state at that moment. Dr. Golden says the profile won't provide any direct answers or cures for whatever is troubling you, but it is a good first step. "The idea is for you to see yourself as you really are," says Dr. Golden. "Because once you know how you are and how other people see you, you can then get into the driver's seat2.
1. tickled pink:高興極了;green with envy:非常嫉妒的。
2. driver's seat:統治地位,控制地位。