美國洛杉磯空姐 Heather Poole 是一名打包達人,她演示了如何在一個行李箱內裝入十天內全部要穿的衣服。Poole所要裝下的衣物包括:三條短褲,三條正裝長褲,一條裙子,三條休閑褲(或牛仔褲),三件睡衣,三件泳衣,一件布裙,三件輕毛衫,四件連衣裙,十件休閑衫,六件正裝襯衫,一個手包,化妝品若干和兩雙鞋。
pack up
Heather Poole, a flight attendant from Los Angeles, demonstrated how to pack enough for a 10-day trip into a single standard carry-on.
美國洛杉磯空姐 Heather Poole 同時也是一名打包達人。她為我們演示了如何在一個行李箱內裝入10天內全部要穿的衣服。
Step 1: Folded clothing takes up too much space. Instead, Ms. Poole tightly rolls everything, which also minimizes wrinkling.
Step 2: She continues to roll the clothing and sets it aside.
Step 3: Shoes go in first. Ms. Poole packs them along the edges of the bag, then begins putting in jeans and pants to form the bottom layer of clothing.
3. 先放鞋子。Poole將鞋子放在箱子邊緣,然后將牛仔褲和長褲放到底層。
Step 4: Continuing with lighter clothes, she forms more layers, packing garments tightly.
4. 將卷好的重量稍輕的衣物緊密排列當上一層。
Step 5: The lightest items are last and make up the top layer of clothing.
Step 6: Her toiletries and clutch go on top. The bag closes easily — no need to sit on it.
Here's the same bag packed with the same items, but folded in the traditional manner.
For shorter trips where Ms. Poole doesn't need as many changes of clothing, and also needs to keep dress clothes wrinkle-free, she uses another technique.
Step 1: Dress clothes and uniforms are placed along the bottom and left hanging out either side.
1. 將制服和長褲沿箱沿平鋪,褲腿延伸至箱外。
Step 2: Clothing for which wrinkles are less of a concern is placed in the middle of the bag, followed by toiletries and other items.
2. 不擔心起褶的衣物放在中間,然后化妝品和手包還是在最上面。
Step 3: Finally, the dress clothes are carefully folded over the top.
3. 最后,小心地將箱外的褲腿卷進來。
With more airlines charging for checked baggage, Ms. Poole's tips save both space and money — and time, if you include the benefit of skipping the wait at the luggage carousel.