導語:笑話讓人快樂^_^中西方人的笑點不一樣,也許你覺得捧腹大笑的笑話,老外也許還納悶中:“很好笑嗎?”老外笑的掉淚的笑話,我們也許覺得“好冷”。歸根到底就是中西文化的不同,所以呢,看笑話也能學到知識喲(*^__^*)……下面就隨英語笑話小編一起來欣賞這則英語笑話吧(*^__^*) ……
A lawyer's dog, running about unleashed, beelines for a butcher shop and steals a roast.
Butcher goes to lawyer's office and asks, "If a dog running unleashed steals a piece of meat from my store, do I have a right to demand payment for the meat from the dog's owner?"
The lawyer answers, "Absolutely." "Then you owe me $8.50. Your dog was loose and stole a roast from me today." The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for $8.50. Several days later, the butcher opens the mail and finds an envelope from the lawyer: $250 due for a consultation.
律師答道:“完全可以”,“那你欠我 8.50美元,你的狗沒栓而且今天從我的店里頭了塊肉”,律師什么都沒說,馬上給他寫了一張支票。幾天后,店主打開郵箱,發現一封來自律師的信,信上寫道:咨詢費250美元。
英語 笑話本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/humor/89047.html