法國總統夏爾戴高樂1940年在倫敦英國廣播公司 的演講——誰說敗局已定(中英)
The chiefs who have been at the head of the Army for many years have formed a Government.
This government, alleging the defeat of our armies, has made contract with the enemy to put an end to the fight.
There is no question that we have been, that we are swamped by the mechanical strength of the enemy on the ground and in the air. Far more than by their numbers, we were thrown back by the tanks,the airplanes and the strategy of the Germans. It was the tanks, the airplanes, and the strategy of the Germans that surprised our Chief to the point where they are today.
毫無疑問,我們打了敗仗,陷入了敵人地面和空中呈壓倒之勢的機械化部隊的圍 困。由于敵人兵力優勢明顯,出動了坦克、飛機、作戰攻勢兇猛,我們才被迫撤退。 正是這些坦克、飛機以及地方作戰計劃使得我們的將領們驚慌失措,出此下策。
But has the last word been said? Is all hope to be lost? Is the defeat final? No! Believe me, for I speak to you with full knowledge of what I say. I tell you that nothing is lost for France. The very same means that conquered us can be used to give us one day of the victory.
但是誰說敗局已定?勝利的希望是否蕩然無存?這次潰敗是否是我們最后的結 局?不!相信我,因為我知道自己在講什么。告訴你們法蘭西并未潰敗。總有一天,我們會用地方打敗我們的同樣手段,使自己轉敗為勝。
For France is not alone! She is not alone! She has a vast empire behind her. She can form a coalition with the British Empire, which holds the seas and is continuing the struggle. She can, like tngland, have limitless access to the immense industry power of the United States.
因為法蘭西并非孤軍奮戰!她并不孤立!她并非一個人在戰斗!她的身后是一 個強大的帝國。她能夠大英帝國結成同盟,擁有制海權并堅持戰斗。她還可以像英 國一樣享受到來自工業實力雄厚的美國源源不斷的支持。
This war is not limited to the territory of our unhappy land. This war is not decided by the Battle of France. This war is a world war. All mistakes,all the delays, all suffering do not alter the fact that there exist in the world all the means needed to crush our enemies some day. Crushed as we are today by mechanized force. Therein lies the destiny of the world.
這次戰爭并不只僅僅禍及我們這個不幸的國家,這場戰爭也并不由法蘭西戰而 決定。這是一場世界大戰。所有的錯誤,所有的延誤,所有的痛苦都不能改變一個 事實,即世界上仍然有最終摧毀敵人的的方法和手段。我們今天雖然被機械化部隊 打敗,但將來我們定會以其人之道還治其人之身。世界的命運便在于此。
I,General of Gaulle, speaking from London, invite the French officers and soldiers who may be in British territory now or at a later date, with their arms or without their arms—I invited the engineers and the workers skilled in the manufacture of armament who may be, now or in the future, on British soil~to get in touch with me.
我,戴高樂將軍,現在在倫敦發表講話,誠邀目前正在英國和將來可能來到英 國的法國官兵,不管你們是否還手持武器;誠邀目前在英國和將來可能來到英國的軍 工廠的工程師和和技術工人,與我取得聯系。
Whatever may come, the flame of French resistance must never be extinguished; and it will not be extinguished.
Tomorrow, as I have today, I shall speak over the London Broadcast.