古德明英語軍事小故事:天 之 報 施 善 人(中英對照)
天 之 報 施 善 人
john rabe, a nazi whose nanking safety zone sheltered some 200,000 chinese during the nanking massacre, returned to germany in 1938. he showed films and photographs of japanese atrocities in lecture presentations in berlin, and he sent the information to hitler, asking him to use his influence to persuade the japanese to stop any more violence of this sort. instead, rabe was arrested by the gestapo. because of the intervention of his employer, siemens, he was released, but was forbidden to lecture or write on the subject any more.
after world war ii, rabe was denounced for his nazi party membership. in june 1946, he was exonerated of any wrongdoing, but the trial depleted him of his health and savings, and though he was partly supported by the food and money sent by the chinese government, he succumbed to malnutrition. he died of a stroke in early 1950.