The Mouse and the Bull
A BULL was bitten by a Mouse and, angered by the wound, tried to capture him. But the Mouse reached his hole in safety. Though the Bull dug into the walls with his horns, he tired before he could rout out the Mouse, and crouching down, went to sleep outside the hole. The Mouse peeped out, crept furtively up his flank, and again biting him, retreated to his hole. The Bull rising up, and not knowing what to do, was sadly perplexed. At which the Mouse said, "The great do not always prevail. There are times when the small and lowly are the strongest to do mischief."
一頭公牛被老鼠咬了一口,非常疼痛。他一心想捉住老鼠,老鼠卻早就安全地逃回到鼠洞中。公牛便用角去撞那座墻,搞得精疲力盡,躺倒在洞邊睡著了。老鼠偷偷地爬出洞口看了看,又輕輕地爬到公牛的脅部,再咬他一口,趕忙又逃回到洞里。公牛醒來后,無計可施,煩躁不安。老鼠卻對著洞外說:「大人物不一定都能勝利。有些時候,微小低賤的東西更利害些?!埂 」:托∨佟 ∫活^公牛竭盡全力要擠過一條小路,到牛欄里去。這時,一頭小牛犢走了過來,爭著要先走,并告訴公牛如何才能通過這條小路。公牛說:「不用勞駕你了,你還沒出世前,我就早已知道那辦法了?!?/p>
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