英漢對照圣經故事:巴別塔 Babel, Tower of
《舊約》中,在巴比倫尼亞(Babylonia)的示拿(Shinar)建造的高塔。根據〈創世記〉第十一章1~9節所載,巴比倫人(Babylonian)想建造一座“塔頂通天”的高塔。上帝對他們的放肆感到不快,便藉由變亂工人的語言,使他們互不相通,破壞了此一工事。塔未能建成,而人們分散到世界各地。這一神話或許啟發自馬爾杜克(Marduk)神廟之北的一座塔形廟宇,該廟名為巴比盧(Bab-ilu,意為“神門” 〔Gate of God〕)。
In the Old Testament, a high tower built in Shinar (Babylonia)。 According to Genesis 11:1-9, the Babylonians wanted to build a tower “with its top in the heavens.” Angry at their presumption, God disrupted the enterprise by confusing the languages of the workers so that they could no longer understand each other. The tower was left unfinished and the people dispersed over the face of the earth. The myth may have been inspired by a tower temple located north of the Marduk temple and known as Bab-ilu (“Gate of God”)。
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