英漢對照圣經故事:以利沙 Elisha
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希伯來人先知,是以利亞的繼承人,他強烈主張保持以色列人的古老宗教文化傳統,力反所有的異教和外來宗教儀式。他鼓動叛變反對以色列統治家族(暗利王朝〔dynasty of Omri〕),結果造成國王全家被殺。舊約圣經的列王紀上(I Kings)和列王紀下(II Kings)有記載以利沙的故事。
Hebrew prophet. As the successor of Elijah, he was strongly devoted to the Mosaic tradition of Israel and a potent enemy of all foreign gods and cults. He instigated a revolt against the ruling house of Israel, the dynasty of Omri, that resulted in the death of the king and his family. Elisha's story is told in the Old Testament books of I Kings and II Kings.
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