A golf course and park is located in the west of this city, with a river to the south, crossingBranfield from the south-western corner to the north. To the east of the golf course and park isa railway, linking he north-western corner and the south-eastern corner of this city. Situated inthe north of Brandfield, a housing estate covers an area between the river and the railway.There is a city center in the middle of this city,located to the south of the railway and divided bythe river.It is noticeable that a road is sited between the golf course and park in the west andthe city center in the middle,and it goes across the south-eastern corner of the housingestate,connecting the north-eastern corner of this city to the south of the city center and to thesouth of this city. S1 is located to the north of the city center and the railway, between the roadand the river.
這個學生的作文主要問題是她上來不斷地描述,而忘記了這個圖的首要事情是描述S1 和S2. 這個學生的問題體現了中文和英文的思維差異。也是我們中國人在寫PS,大學作業,EMAIL,工作報告,甚至口語交流中的一個普遍問題。
這就是為什么很多學生在考場上寫的很爽,但是分數很低。因為他們是self-centred, 而不是reader-friendly
The hosuing estate located in the northern corner of this area with a huge golf course andpark to the southwest. Situated in the middle of this area, the City centre is surrounded by twomain roads and a railway from northwest to south while a river cross the centre from north tosouthwest. There is an industrial Estate on the southeastern corner of this area.
It should be noted that the S1 of the shopping mall is to the north of the city center andsurrounded by the river, railway and the northern road. In contrast, the S2 located in thesouth of this city and to the left of the railway and the Industrial Estate.
譬如說s1:1 靠近housing areas,那里的人可以坐火車去 2 CITY centre 的人可以坐火車或者開車去, 3 靠近河 ,可能景色不錯
S2:1 靠近CITY centre , 人們可以開車或者坐火車去,但是housing areas太遠了 2 靠近工業區,有可能有污染和噪音
是不是這么一寫,馬上清楚了? 比大家在那里一個個說地點好?
S1 is possibly located in the north of Brandfield, lying next to one railway line and one road.This means that this supermarket can be assessed by those living in the residential block tothe north and also by the shoppers from the city centre. Another advantage of this site is itsproximity to the river that runs from north to south. People may enjoy a good view of the riverwhen shopping.
Similar to S1, S2 is supported by the town’s transport infrastructure, in view of the factthat it is sited between the rainway and the road. The difference is that consumers from thehousing area may have to travel a longer distance before reaching this site in the south-northcorner. This suggested site is also close to the industrial estate on the eastern edge of the townand pollution is possibly a cause for concern.
當然,大家可以按照上課的辦法寫得簡單點 (下面這一段是按照上課的分句合并法,而且文字信息不多,主要是平鋪直敘,在考場上拿個7分也是可以的):
S1 is possibly located in the north of Brandfield, lying next to one railway line and one road.There is a housing area to the south and residents can travel by car or train to visit S1. This siteis also accessible for those working or living in the city centre. A river runs across the town tothe east of S1.
S2 is in the south-east of the town and close to the railway and the road. Although shoppersfrom the city centre can reach this site easily, the journey is long for those from the housingestate. To the east of S2 is the industrial zone.
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