對于很多TOEFLer來說,托福獨立寫作最讓人惆悵的并不是不會寫,而是不知道該寫啥?托福獨立寫作部分話題涉及各類領域,考察考生對特定話題的獨立觀點闡述, 而讓很多考生感到頭疼的恰恰不是語言表達本身,而是拿到題目不知從何寫起,遇到自己之前不熟悉不了解的話題,往往大腦一片空白。還有些同學因此走極端開始進行各類素材的瘋狂記憶積累,背到最后舌頭打結卻并不能清楚明晰自己到底都背了啥。
Component 1: Essential Qualities (重要的品質)
包括誠實(honesty),忠誠(loyalty)和善良 (kindness)。能否成為朋友,最核心的問題是一些基本的品質,而不是興趣愛好。
Sample Sentences:
1. To be friends, people need to possess some essential qualities, such as honesty, loyalty and kindness.
2. Some people claim that as long as the person is kind and honest, it’s possible to be a friend with him or her.
Component 2: Common interests and values(共同語言和價值觀)
“共同語言”和“價值觀”是否是成為朋友的必備條件屬于仁者見仁智者見智的條件。有共同語言和價值觀的人可以聊得很盡興,擁有不同背景的人也可以分享各自的觀點,雙方獲得不同的信息以開闊眼界(broaden one’s horizon)。
Sample sentences:
1. Some people hold the opinion that it’s difficult to be friends with different hobbies and views, however, I think people with different interests and values can learn a lot from each other by communication.
2. It’s definitely possible to be friends with people from diverse backgrounds, since we can share our views and broaden our horizons.
Component 3: Cooperation and competition(合作與競爭)
Sample sentences:
1. With different expertise, friends can make progress together by cooperation and competition.
2. Making friends with variety kinds of people fits in with the trends of nowadays’ society, since it’s competitive everywhere, we need all sorts of help.