my room at home was too small for me. i barely had room for all the little knickknacks i'd collected over the years. there were so many things i had to pack away in boxes and store in closets all over the house. oftentimes i didn't quite remember exactly where everything was.
there were all the notes my girlfriends and i passed throughout junior high, along with all the goofy poems my first boyfriend paid his friends to write and passed along to me as his originals. i also had a separate box for rose petals collected from past birthdays, valentine's days, anniversaries, and proms. i kept all my pictures in neatly organized albums on the bottom shelf of my bookcase. i had jewelry that i never wore but i thought i might someday need stashed away all over my room. i also saved birthday and christmas cards, leaves that had fallen from the trees the previous fall, and medals i won for participating in piano recitals. on another shelf of my bookcase i even had a brick i found on the playground at my elementary school.