為了比較起見,讓我們來看一下消極心態的影響。消極 心態會澆熄你的熱忱,蒙蔽你的想像力,降低你的合作意愿,使你失去自制能力,容易發怒,缺乏耐性,并且使你喪 失理性。
For the sake of contrast,let's examine the effects of a negative mental attitude.It dampens your enthusiasm,curtails your imagination,undermines your desire to be cooperative,overthrows your self-control,makes you sullen and intolerant,and,as if these weren't enough,throws your reasoning out of gear.
既然消極心態對你的破壞力如此之大,所以你最好還是 待在家里,別出來和人競爭,消極心態只會為你樹立敵人, 并且摧毀你的成就和朋友。如果一位律師帶著消極心態步人法庭,即使他所辯護的 是全世界最棒的案子,還是無法說服法官和陪審團。你會對一位容易發怒而又悲觀的醫生產生信心嗎?不!人們是絕不會容忍消極心態的。
A negative mental attitude is so detrimental to your efforts that you are better off staying at home than venturing out into the world with it.It will only make you enemies and corrupt your good works and allinances.A lawyer who goes into court with best case in the word will convince neither judge nor jury if her attitude is negative.What kind of confidence would you have in a sullen,pessimistic doctor,no matter how many degrees hang on the will? None! People simply will not tolerate a bad mental attitude.
相形之一,積極心態為你開啟了一扇門,并允許你展現技巧和雄心壯志。想想那些帶著信心步人法庭,并且以無比的確信,贏得 法官和陪審團支持的律師吧:難道你不想讓一位能使你放松心情,以平和的語氣回答問題,而且展現專業知識的醫師為你看病嗎?
In contrast, a positive mental opens doors and allows you to display your skills and ambitions.Imagine that lawyer presenting her case with confidence,gaining the ear of judge and jury because she is distinctively self-assured.Wouldn't you rather be treated by a physician who sets you at ease,answer your questions plainly,and demonstrates a knowledge of his field?
積極心態也是其他各種個性的構成要素,了解和應用其 他個性。將會強化你的積極心態。
Building a positive mental attitude is part of the other aspects of an attractive personality.As you read on,you'll see how understanding and applying each of these points reinforce your PMA.