All for Love
All for Love
by Lord Byron
O TALK not to me of a name great in story;
The days of our youth are the days of our glory;
And the myrtle and ivy of sweet two-and-twenty
Are worth all your laurels, though ever so plenty.
What are garlands and crowns to the brow that is wrinkled?
'Tis but as a dead flower with May-dew besprinkled:
Then away with all such from the head that is hoary—
What care I for the wreaths that can only give glory?
O Fame! if I e'er took delight in thy praises,
'Twas less for the sake of thy high-sounding phrases,
Than to see the bright eyes of the dear one discover
She thought that I was not unworthy to love her.
There chiefly I sought thee, there only I found thee;
Her glance was the best of the rays that surround thee;
When it sparkled o'er aught that was bright in my story,
I knew it was love, and I felt it was glory.
哦 別跟我談論什么故事里的偉大人名
勝過你所有的桂冠 無論戴得多么輝煌
對于滿額皺紋 花冠和王冕算得了什么
那不過是五月的朝露 灑上枯死的花朵
那么 不如把這一切 從蒼白的頭上扔開
對于只給予人榮譽的花環 我又何所掛懷
呵 美名 如果我對你的贊揚也感到欣喜
那不僅僅是為了你 富麗堂皇的詞句
主要是因此 我才追尋你 并且把你發現
如果聽到我的燦爛的故事 她閃閃眼睛
我就知道那是愛 我感到那才是光榮