雙語 笑話 看過《阿凡達》后的爆笑領悟
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1.It is not easy to watch using 3D glasses together with your own glasses. I wish I have a longer and more distinguished nose to hold both glasses。
帶著自己的眼鏡,再加上一副3D特制眼鏡,實在不是一件容易的事情,恨不得鼻子長一點能架住兩副眼鏡。 2.It is possible to learn a new language within a few months. For me, I actually thought I understood the language within the first hour of watching the movie. What about compulsory studying Na'vi for people in the secret service?
幾個月里面想要學好一門語言還真不是不可能完成的任務。就我而言呢,電影前一個小時那些外星人說些什么我還都聽得懂誒。想想那些被逼著學納美語的演員們,學的還更專注一些呢。 3.Avatar movie's message of not destroying the balance of Mother Earth isso much better communicated as compared to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth。
《阿凡達》關于維護地球母親生態平衡的電影主題,比戈爾那部《不可回避的真相》要來的自然多了。 4.I wonder if 3D Movies spell the end of movie piracy?
片末的版權聲明不知道能不能用3D模式顯示咧? 5.Many people may want to ask their travel agents about a visit to Pandora for their next holiday。
大概很多人會跑旅行社問說下個假期能不能飛阿凡達星球旅游的。 6.Avatarising our pictures will be hottest facebook app. This free online service will be the greatest leveler because I think we will all look really bad。
要是有插件把社交網絡上的個人照片都“阿凡達化”,這樣會很火爆吧?這樣的網絡服務還真就做到了人人平等,世界大同咧,因為每個人都一樣藍幽幽的了。 7.The phrase I am feeling blue will take a whole new meaning。
“我感到了藍色版的憂郁”這句話將被賦予全新的含義。 8.This brief love conversation will be adapted and used extensively during wedding ceremonies all around the world in 2010.。。
Jake Sully: I have already chosen. But this female; she must also choose me。
Neytiri: She already has。
女主角:她早就選了你了。(小編:music"我選擇了你,你選擇了我,這是我們的選擇~~~~") 9.Since Avatar is a box office hit, I guess there will be an Avatar TV series and video game。