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導語:笑話讓人快樂^_^中西方人的笑點不一樣,也許你覺得捧腹大笑的笑話,老外也許還納悶中:“很好笑嗎?”老外笑的掉淚的笑話,我們也許覺得“好冷”。歸根到底就是中西文化的不同,所以呢,看笑話也能學到知識喲(*^__^*)……下面就隨英語笑話小編一起來欣賞這則英語笑話吧(*^__^*) ……
While taking photos of a bear eating fish in the forest, two journalists found the annoyed beast turned around to chase them.
In running, one journalist said to the other: "Can't run any more! What should we do?"
"No idea. But one of us will have his photo on the headline!"
英語 笑話本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/humor/88987.html
上一篇:英語笑話:一則廣告 下一篇:英語笑話:為什么總喝水