


閱讀 :

Can I say how delighted I am to be away from the calm of Westminster and Whitehall?


This is Kim, a nine-year-old Vietnam girl,her back ruined by napalm, and she awakened the conscience of the nation of America to begin to end the Vietnam War. This is Birhan, who was the Ethiopian girl who launched Live Aid in the 1980s, 15 minutes away from death when she was rescued, and that picture of her being rescued is one that went round the world. This next is the Sudanese girl, a few moments from death, a vulture hovering in the background, a picture that went round the world and shocked people into action on poverty. This is Neda,the Iranian girl who was shot while at a demonstration with her father in Iran only a few weeks ago, and she is now the focus, rightly so,of the YouTube generation.

這是金菊,一名9歲的越南女孩。她那被汽油彈燒毀的后背喚醒了美國人民的良 知,越戰也因此而終結。這是比爾汗,80年代發起了 “拯救生命”的埃塞俄比亞女 童。在她獲救的時候,死亡距離她只有15分鐘,而她得救的照片也因此傳遍全球。 接下來的這位是個蘇丹女童,死神距她近在咫尺,禿鷲在不遠處徘徊。一張傳遍世 界的照片震驚了人類,共同加入抗擊貧困的實際行動中。這是妮達,幾個星期前在 與她父親一起示威時,不幸被射殺的伊朗女孩。而她成為時下You Tube—代的焦點人 物也是不無理由的。

And what do all these pictures and events have in common? What they have in common is what we see unlocked and what we cannot see. What we see unlocked: the invisible ties and bonds of sympathy that bring us together to become a human community. What these pictures demonstrate is that we do feel the pain of others, however distantly. What I think these pictures demonstrate is that we do believe in something bigger than ourselves. What these pictures demonstrate is that there is a moral sense across all religions, across all faiths, across all continents~a moral sense that not only do we share the pain of others,and believe in something bigger than ourselves but we have a duty to act when we see things that are wrong that need righted, see injuries that need to be corrected, see problems that need to be rectified.

這些照片與事件的共同之處是什么呢?它們的共同之處就在于我們所看到開啟 了我們所看不到的。我們所看到的開啟了人與人之間無形的紐帶,我們的憐憫之心 將我們聚集到一起,組成一個人類大家庭。這些照片證實了無論距離的遠近我們都 可以感受到他人的痛楚。這些照片證實了我們確實堅信比我們自身價值更崇高的事 業。這些照片證實了我們擁有著跨越宗教,跨越信仰,跨越洲際的道德觀——不僅 僅讓我們感受他人的痛楚追求崇高的事業,更讓我們意識到我們有義務行動起來, 去糾正過錯、化解傷痛、解決問題。

There is a story about Olof Palme, the Swedish Prime Minister, going to see Ronald Reagan in America in the 1980s. Before he arrived Ronald Reagan said— and he was the Swedish Social Democratic Prime Minister—“Isn’t this man a communist?” The reply was, “No,Mr President, he,s an anti-communist.” And Ronald Reagan said, “I don’t care what kind of communist he is!” (Laughter) Ronald Reagan asked Olof Palme, the Social Democratic Prime Minister of Sweden, ttWell, what do you believe in? Do you want to abolish the rich?” He said, “No, I want to abolish the poor.” Our responsibility is to let everyone have the chance to realize their potential to the full.

話說80年代的時候,瑞典前首相奧洛夫帕爾梅曾想去美國拜訪羅納德里 根。雖然他當時是瑞典的社會民主黨首相,不過在他到訪之前,里根還是問道: “這個人是共產主義者嗎? ”旁邊的人回答道:“不,總統先生,他是一名反共產 主義者。”結果里根說道:“我不在乎他是哪種共產主義者! ”(笑聲)里根曾 經問過帕爾梅,當時瑞典的社會民主黨首相“你的信條是什么?你打算鏟除富人 嗎? ”帕爾梅回答道:“不,我想鏟除窮人。”我們的職責是讓每個人都有實現自 身潛能的機會。

I believe there are a moral sense and a global ethic that commands attention from people of every religion and every faith, and people of no faith. But I think what’s new is that we now have the capacity to communicate instantaneously across frontiers right across the world. We now have the capacity to find common ground with people we will never meet but who we will meet through the Internet and through all the modern means of communication, that we now have the capacity to organize and take collective action together to deal with the problem or an injustice that we want to deal with, and I believe that this makes this a unique age in human history,and it is the start of what I would call the creation of a truly global society.

我堅信有一種世界共通的道德倫理觀,值得引起人類的髙度重視,不論是何種 宗教,不論有無信仰。但我覺得與以往不同的是我們現在擁有了跨越邊界與世界交 流的能力。我們現在擁有了通過互聯網和各種現代通信手段來結識無法在現實生活 中見面的志同道合的人士。我們現在擁有了集體組織、聯合行動共同解決問題、處 理不公正行為的能力。正因為如此,我堅信我們正處在一個獨特的歷史時刻,正開 創著一個真正全球化的社會。

Go back 200 years when the slave trade was under pressure from William Wilberforce and all the protesters. They protested across Britain. They won public opinion over a long period of time. But it took 24 years for the campaign to be successful. What could they have done with the pictures they could have shown if they were able to use the modern means of communication to win people’s hearts and minds?

200年前,販奴貿易面臨著來自威廉威伯福斯和反對者的壓力。各種反抗運動 席卷英國。在很長的一段時間里,這些反對者都擁有民眾的支持,但整場運動卻花 費了24年的時間才取得最終的勝利。設想一下,如果當初他們擁有現代的通訊技術 來傳播照片、贏取民心,他們又將取得怎樣的成就呢?

Or if you take Eglantyne Jebb,the woman who created Save the Children 90 years ago. She was so appalled by what was happening in Austria as a result of the First World War and what was happening to children who were part of the defeated families of Austria, that in Britain she wanted to take action, but she had to go house to house, leaflet to leaflet,to get people to attend a rally in the Royal Albert Hall that eventually gave birth to Save the Children, an international organization that is now fully recognized as one of the great institutions in our land and in the world. But what more could she have done if she,d had the modern means of communications available to her to create a sense that the injustice that people saw had to be acted upon immediately?

再來看看埃格蘭泰恩杰布女士,90年前她創建了救助兒童會。一戰后奧地 利和戰敗家庭中兒童的悲慘經歷深深地震驚了她,讓她決定在英國行動起來。但她 不得不挨家挨戶散發傳單,促使群眾參加在皇家艾伯特大廳舉行的集會,救助兒童會也因此誕生,并成為我們國家,乃至整個世界最偉大的國際組織之一。但設想一 下,如果她當初擁有現代的通訊技術,讓人們意識到他們所目睹的不公正行徑亟待 解決的話,她所能做的恐怕不僅僅是這些吧?

Now look at what’s happened in the last 10 years. In Philippines in 2001, President Estrada~a million people texted each other about the corruption of that regime, eventually brought it down and it was,of course, called the “coup de text.” Then you have in Zimbabwe the first election under Robert Mugabe a year ago. Because people were able to take mobile-phone photographs of what was happening at the polling stations, it was impossible for that Premier to fix that election in the way that he wanted to do. Or take Burma and the monks that were blogging out, a country that nobody knew anything that was happening until these blogs told the world that there was a repression, meaning that lives were being lost and people were being persecuted and Aung San Suu Kyi, who is one of the great prisoners of conscience of the world, had to be listened to. Then take Iran itself, and what people are doing today, following what happened to Neda,people who are preventing the security services of Iran finding those people who are blogging out of Iran, changing their address to Tehran, Iran,and making it difficult for the security services.

讓我們再來看看過去10年所發生的事情。2001年的菲律賓,總統埃斯特拉 達——當時的百萬民眾互傳簡訊,告發當下政體的腐敗罪行,促使其引咎辭職,引 發了所謂的“短信政變”。還有一年前的津巴布韋,總統羅伯特穆加貝統治下的 首次大選。正是因為人們可以利用手機拍照,來記錄在投票站所發生的一切,才使 得穆加貝無法按計劃對選舉結果進行暗箱操作。還有緬甸那些通過博客與外界交流 的僧侶們。人們之前對這個國家一無所知,直到這些博客揭露了發生在那里的鎮 壓,遇難的生命,遭迫害的群眾,才使得昂山素季,全世界最偉大的政治囚犯之 一,終于有了傾訴的權利。再來看看伊朗,還有人們在妮達遇難后所做的一切。國 家安全保衛部門的人士發現那些通過博客與外界交流的伊朗人把他們的地址通通改 成了伊朗德黑蘭,讓安全部的官員難以追査。

Take, therefore, what modem technology is capable of: the power of our moral sense allied to the power of communications and our ability to organize internationally.

這些都體現了現代科技的本領所在——我們的道德力量與通訊技能相結合,還 有在國際范圍內組織活動的能力。

That, in my view, gives us the first opportunity as a community to fundamentally change the world. Foreign policy can never be the same again. It cannot be run by elites; it,s got to be run by listening to the public opinions of peoples who are blogging, who are communicating with each other around the world. 200 years ago the problem we had to solve was slavery. 150 years ago I suppose the main problem in a country like ours was how young people, children, had the right to education. 100 years ago in most countries in Europe, the pressure was for the right to vote. 50 years ago the pressure was for the right to social security and welfare. In the last 50-60 years we have seen fascism, anti-Semitism, racism, apartheid, discrimination on the basis of sex and gender and sexuality; all these have come under pressure because of the campaigns by people to change the world.

這一切,在我看來,給了我們第一次以一個共同體的身份從根本上改變我們這 個世界的機會。外交政策將徹底改變,無法由掌權人士獨攬,而應是遵循那些博客 們,那些在世界范圍內與彼此交流的人所代表的民意。200年前,我們需要解決的問 題是奴隸制度。150年前,我猜想像我們這樣的國家所面臨的主要問題是年輕人、孩 子們的受教育權利。100年前在歐洲的大多數國家,投票選舉權面臨著巨大壓力。50 年前這股壓力則轉向了社會福利保障權。在過去的五、六十年里,我們目睹了法西 斯主義、反猶太主義、種族歧視、種族隔離以及種種對性別和性取向的歧視。這一 切都面臨著巨大的社會壓力,正是由于人們所發起的各種運動,以求改變世界。

I was with Nelson Mandela a year ago when he was in London. I was at a concert that he was attending to mark his birthday and for the creation of new resources for his foundation. I was sitting next to Nelson Mandela-I was very privileged to do so-when Amy Winehouse came onto the stage and Nelson Mandela was quite surprised at the appearance of the singer and I was explaining to him at the time who she was. Amy Winehouse said, “Nelson Mandela and I have a lot in common. My husband too has spent a long time in prison.” (Laughter) Nelson Mandela then went down to the stage and he summarized the challenge for us all. He said in his lifetime he had climbed a great mountain, the mountain of challenging and then defeating racial oppression and defeating apartheid. He said that there was a greater challenge ahead, the challenge of poverty, of climate change, global challenges that needed global solutions and needed the creation of a truly global society.

一年前我在倫敦會見了納爾遜曼德拉,我們當時正出席一個慶祝曼德拉生日 和為他的基金會求得新資源的演唱會。我當時就坐在曼德拉的身邊——我對此感到 非常榮幸。當看到艾米懷恩豪斯登上舞臺的時候,曼德拉顯得有點吃驚,我只好 向他解釋艾米懷恩豪斯是何許人物。艾米懷恩豪斯在舞臺上說道:“曼德拉和我有很多共同之處。我老公也曾在監獄里待過很長一段時間。”(笑聲)隨后曼德 拉走向舞臺,概述了我們所面臨的挑戰。他說,在他的有生之年,他攀越了一座無 比陡峻的高山,一座迎戰并且擊敗種族壓迫、隔離的大山。他認為前方還有著更艱 巨的挑戰等待著我們,貧困的挑戰,氣候的挑戰,種種全球性的挑戰急需全球性的 解決方案,急需一個真正的全球性的社會。

We are the first generation that is in a position to do this. Combine the power of a global ethic with the power of our ability to communicate and organize globally with the challenges that we now face, most of which are global in their nature. Climate change cannot be solved in one country but has got to be solved by the world working together. A financial crisis, just as we havie seen,could not be solved by America alone or Europe alone; it needed the world to work together. Take the problems of security and terrorism and, equally, the problem of human rights and development: they cannot be solved by Africa alone; they cannot be solved by America or Europe alone. We cannot solve these problems unless we work together.

而我們這一代是有實力做到這一切的第一代。將一個全球性的道德理念與我 們的傳播能力相結合,然后在國際范圍內組織起來,共同面對這些全球性的挑戰。 氣候變化無法由一個國家解決,而是需要全世界同心協力彼此合作。金融危機,就 如我們目睹的一樣,無法單單依靠美國或是歐洲得以解決,而是需要世界范圍內的 合作。或者是國家安全與恐怖主義的問題,抑或是同等重要的人權與發展的問題, 這些問題都無法由非洲獨立解決,也不能單獨依靠美國或是歐洲。除非我們合作起 來,這些問題是沒有辦法解決的。

So the great project of our generation, it seems to me, is to build for the first time out of a global ethic and our global ability to communicate and organize together, a truly global society, built on that ethic but with institutions that can serve that global society and make for a different future. We have now, and are the first generation with, the power to do this. Take climate change. Is it not absolutely scandalous that we have a situation where we know that there is a climate change problem, where we know also that that will mean we have to give more resources to the poorest countries to deal with that, when we want to create a global carbon market, but there is no global institution that people have been able to agree upon to deal with this problem? One of the things that has to come out of Copenhagen in the next few months is an agreement that there will be a global environmental institution that is able to deal with the problems of persuading the whole of the world to move along a climate-change agenda. (Applause)

所以在我看來,我們這一代最重要的工程就是有史以來第一次通過全球性的 道德觀、全球性的溝通和組織能力,建立起一個全球性的社會,以此道德規范為基礎,但同時依賴于為全球性社會服務的種種機構,來開創一個不一樣的未來。我們 是有能力做到這一切的第一代。就拿氣候變化來說吧,我們知道我們正面臨著這樣 的一個局勢,我們知道我們存在著氣候變化的問題,我們也知道我們若是真想創建 一個全球性的“碳市場”,我們就需要捐贈給貧窮國家更多的資源,幫助他們來處 理這一問題,但盡管如此,我們仍然沒有一個人們可以信賴的全球機構來解決這個 問題,這不是相當滑稽可恥的事情嗎?幾個月后將在哥本哈根舉行的氣候會議所必 須達成的協議之一就是建立一個全球性的環境機構,并且有能力來敦促整個世界為 了氣候變化的進程而共同行動起來。(掌聲)

One of the reasons why an institution is not in itself enough is that we have to persuade people around the world to change their behavior as well, so you need that global ethic of fairness and responsibility across the generations. Take the financial crisis. If people in poorer countries can be hit by a crisis that starts in New York or starts in the sub-prime market of the United States of America. If people can find that that sub-prime product has been transferred across nations many, many times until it ends up in banks in Iceland or the rest in Britain, and people’s ordinary savings are affected by it, then you cannot rely on a system of national supervision. You need in the long run for stability, for economic growth, for jobs,as well as for financial stability, global economic institutions that make sure that growth to be sustained has to be shared, and are built on the principle that the prosperity of this world is indivisible.

但僅僅建立這樣的一個機構是不夠的,原因之一在于我們還需要說服世界各地 的人們改變他們的日常行為,這需要公平、負責的全球道德觀得以代代相傳。再來 看看當下的金融危機。如果一個從紐約開始、從美國次貸市場開始的危機可以影響 到貧窮國家的人們的話,如果次貸產品可以經過多次轉手跨越國界,最終流通到冰 島的銀行或是英國其他地區,并且影響到普通民眾的存款儲蓄的話,那么一個國家 性的監管機構就是不值得信賴的。長期的穩定、經濟的增長、就業的保障以及金融的穩定都需要全球性的經濟體制來確保穩定的發展得以共享,并且是建立在“世界 的繁榮是不可劃分”的原則之上。

So another challenge for our generation is to create global institutions that reflect our ideas of fairness and responsibility, not the ideas that were the basis of the last stage of financial development over these recent years. Then take development and take the partnership we need between our countries and the rest of the world, the poorest part of the world. We do not have the basis of a proper partnership for the future, and yet, out of people’s desire for a global ethic and a global society that can be done.

所以說,面臨我們這一代的另一個挑戰,就是建立起全球性的機構,來反映我 們公正、負責的觀念,而不是過往幾年金融發展最后階段不牢靠的地基。再來看看 發展,還有我們和世界其他地區,尤其是那些貧困地區所需要建立的伙伴關系。我 們暫時還沒有一個可以在未來建立起一個合適的伙伴關系的基礎,但只要人們渴求 一個全球性的道德觀、渴求一個全球性的社會,一切還是可以辦到的。

I have just been talking to the President of Sierra Leone. This is a country of six and a half million people, but it has only 80 doctors, it has 200 nurses, it has 120 midwives. You cannot begin to build a healthcare system for six million people with such limited resources.

我剛剛和塞拉利昂的總統交談。那是一個擁有650萬人口的國家,但卻只有8# 醫生,200個護士,120個助產士。如此短缺的資源是根本無法建立起一個可以服務 600萬人民的醫療體系的。

Or take the girl I met when I was in Tanzania, a girl called Miriam. She was 11 years old, her parents had both died from AIDS,her mother and then her father. She was an AIDS orphan being handed across different extended families to be cared for. She herself was suffering from HIV, she was suffering from tuberculosis. I met her in a field, she was ragged. She had no shoes. When you looked in her eyes, any girl at the age of eleven is looking forward to the future, but there was an unreachable sadness in that girl’s eyes and if I could have translated that to the rest of the world for that moment, I believe that all the work that it had done for the global HIV/AIDS fund would be rewarded by people prepared to make donations.

再來看看我在坦桑尼亞遇到的一個叫米麗亞姆的女孩。她當時11歲,她的母親和 父親前后死于艾滋病。她是一名艾滋孤兒,寄人籬下,從一個親戚家轉到另一個親戚 家。她自己本身也是名艾滋病病毒感染者。她同時還患有肺結核。我是在一個田地 里遇到的她。她當時赤著腳,而且衣衫襤褸。一般的11歲女孩眼中都充滿了對未來的向往。但是當你注視她的雙眼時,你看到的卻是難以觸摸到的悲傷。如果我能把 當時的感受傳遞到世界其他的角落,我相信那股悲傷將會打動很多人為全球的艾滋 基金捐款捐力。

We must then build a proper relationship between the richest and the poorest countries based onour desire that they are able to fend for themselves with the investment that is necessary in their agriculture, so that Africa is not a net importer of food, but an exporter of food.

因此,我們必須在富裕國家和貧困國家之間建立一種融洽的關系,建立在我們 的渴望之上,那就是,這些貧困國家可以充分利用他們農業上所需的投資來做到自 給自足。這樣一來,非洲將不在是一個食物進口者,而是一個食物出口者。

Take the problems of human rights and the problems of security in so many countries around the world. Burma is in chains, Zimbabwe is a human tragedy, in Sudan thousands of people have died unnecessarily for wars that we could prevent. In the Rwanda Children’s Museum, there is a photograph of a 10-year-old boy and the Children’s Museum is commemorating the lives that were lost in the Rwandan genocide where a million people died.

再來看看,還有世界眾多國家所面臨的安全問題。緬甸正被鎖鏈捆綁,津巴布 韋是個人間悲劇,在蘇丹,成千上萬的人正在本可避免的戰爭中無辜地死去。在盧 旺達的兒童博物館里有一張10歲男童的照片。這個兒童博物館現在正在紀念那些在 盧旺達種族屠殺中死去的上百萬人的生命。

There is a photograph of a boy called David. Beside that photograph there is the information about his life. It said “David, age 10.” David: ambition to be a doctor. Favorite sport: football. What did he enjoy most? Making people laugh. How did he die? Tortured to death. Last words said to his mother who was also tortured to death: “Don’t worry. The United Nations are coming.” And we never did.

照片中的小男孩叫大衛。而照片旁邊則是大衛的生平簡介。上面寫到:“大衛, 10歲。夢想:成為一名醫生。最愛的運動:足球。最喜歡做的事:引人發笑。死亡 原因:折磨致死。對他同樣被折磨致死的母親所說的最后一句話:別擔心,聯合國 的人就要來了。”可是我們沒有。

And that young boy believed our promises that we would help people in difficulty in Rwanda, and we never did.

那個小男孩堅信我們的承諾,相信我們會幫助那些在盧旺達的受難人民,但我 們卻沒有。

So we have got to create in this world also institutions for peacekeeping and humanitarian aid, but also for reconstruction and security for some of the conflict-ridden states of the world. So my argument today is basically this. We have the means by which we could create a truly global society. The institutions of this global society can be created by our endeavors. That global ethic can infuse the fairness and responsibility that is necessary for these institutions to work, but we should not lose the chance in this generation, in this decade in particular, with President Obama in America, with other people working with us around the world, to create global institutions for the environment,and for finance, and for security and for development, that make sense of our responsibility to other peoples, our desire to bind the world together,and our need to tackle problems that everybody knows exist.

因此我們必須在這個世界建立起用以維和以及人道救援的機構,還有幫助那 些危難中的國家重建和安全的機構。所以我今天所要講的基本上可以總結為如下的 幾點。我們有能力、有辦法來創造一個真正全球化的社會。而這個全球化社會的種 種機構則需要我們努力來建立。全球性的道德觀可以為這些機構注入公正、負責的 理念,使其起到應有的作用,但同時我們也不應錯失我們這一代的機會,尤其是當 下的10年里,協同美國的奧巴馬總統,還有來自全球與我們同心協力的人民,來創 建保衛環境、金融、安全與發展的全球機構。這些機構理應明白我們對他人的責任 感,我們想把這個世界聯系起來的渴望感,還有我們想要解決已知問題的需求感。

It is said that in Ancient Rome that when Cicero spoke to his audiences, people used to turn to each other and say about Cicero, “Great speech.” But it is said that in Ancient Greece when Demosthenes spoke to his audiences, people turned to each other and didn’t say “Great speech.” They said,“Let’s march. We should be marching towards a global society. Thank you. (Applause)

據說在古羅馬,當西塞羅演講的時候,人們會轉向彼此,談論西塞羅,“講得 真好。”但是在古希臘,當狄摩西尼演講的時候,人們也會轉向彼此,但他們不會 說:“講得真好。”他們會說,“讓我們行動起來吧。”我們應該為了全球化社會 的目標而行動起來。謝謝大家。(掌聲)

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本文標題:戈登布朗2010年辭職演說:聯合起來,共創美好的人間(中英) - 英語演講稿_英語演講稿范文_英文演講稿


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