古德明英語軍事小故事:死 諫(中英對照)
古德明《征服英語》之英語軍事故事,古德明,香港英語教育作家,他開了一個《征服英語專欄》,在專欄中專門用英語寫了世界近代史上的軍事小故事,用英語講述歷史中那些驚心動魄的戰爭。死 諫
germany's crushing defeat of france in 1940 was a shattering blow to french morale. many blamed the government for complacency and for not equipping french troops with modern weapons of war. paul reynaud, who was briefly prime minister before the german occupation and was imprisoned by the germans until 1945, recounted the following : “ i received a postcard found on the body of an officer of general corap's army, who had just committed suicide in le mans station. he wrote, ‘ i am killing myself mr president to let you know that all my men were brave, but i cannot send them to fight tanks with rifles. ’ ”