安徒生童話:What Old Johanna Told 老約翰妮講的故事
the wind moans in the old willow tree!
it is as if one heard a song;the wind sings it,thetree tells it.if you don't understand it,then ask johannain the almshouse;she knows,she was born here in thedistrict.
years ago,when the highway still lay here,the treewas already big and remarkable.it stood where it yetstands,outside the tailor's whitened framework house, close to the pool,which at that time was so big that thecattle were watered there,and there in the warm summerthe little children ran about naked and splashed about inthe water.close up under the tree was a milestone;it hasfallen down now,and bramble branches grow over it.
on the other side of the rich squire's farm the newhigh road was made,the old road became the field road, the pool a puddle,over-grown with duck-weed;when afrog jumped down,the green was separated and one sawthe black water;round about it grew,and still grow,thebuck-bean and gold irises.
the tailor's house became old and crooked,the roofa hot-bed for moss and house-leek;the dove-cote fell inand the starlings built there,the swallows hung nest afternest on the gable of the house and under the roof,just as ifit was a lucky dwelling-place.that was here at one time; now it has become lonely and silent.alone and weak- willed,"poor rasmus",as they called him,lived here;hehad been born here,he had played here,he had sprungover the fields and the hedges,splashed as a little child inthe open pool,clambered up in the old tree.