古德明英語軍事小故事:世界大戰中的 V運動 (中英對照)
世界大戰中的 v運動
the v sign, symbolising victory, was devised as an emblem of the resistance by two belgians working for the bbc belgian service. from january 1941, the bbc started urging listeners in belgium to go out under cover of darkness and chalk the v sign on doors, walls and pavements. the campaign soon spread to other european countries. the v proved to be brilliantly adaptable. the sign could be made with the fingers raised, or tapped out in its morse form(three dots and one dash) on a teacup, say, under the nose of the occupiers.
haunted by the v campaign, the germans responded by attempting to appropriate the symbol for themselves. it was made to stand for viktoria-- an antiquated teutonic* word-- and they began to print posters of their own bearing a huge white v.