古德明英語軍事小故事:寧死不屈 (中英對照)
The Greek island of Kefalona was garrisoned by an Italian division when the armistice between Italy and the Allies were made public on 8 September 1943. Most Italian forces were quickly disarmed by German troops.General Antonio Gandin, in command of the Kefalona division, received from the Germans an ultimatum: his division was to either disobey orders and continue the war alongside the Germans, be disarmed and treated as prisoners of war, or fight. Gandin decided to have all the 12500 soldiers under his command choose the answer to the ultimatum via popular vote. The majority chose to stand and fight despite knowing that they had no chance. The division, stranded on an island and completely surrounded, went down quickly and brutally. The number of survivors is estimated to be in the low hundreds.