運輸包裝分為單件運輸包裝和集合運輸包裝。運輸包裝上往往涂有或貼有運輸標志(Shipping Marks),這種標志俗稱嘜頭。通常由圖形或文字、目的港及批號或件號。
經典句型1、我方在那邊的聯合股份公司會遵守F.D.A.規定印制標簽. Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the F.D.A. regulations.
2、由于包裝不當,貨物嚴重污損。 Owing to improper packing, the goods are terribly spotty.
3、設計良好的包裝有助于產品銷售。 A well-designed package helps sell the goods.
4、為什么不用木箱子來代替。 Why not use wooden cases instead?
5、你能讓工廠為我們印制出不同的標簽嗎? Could you get round the factory to print different labels for us?
6、包裝足夠結實來經受長途海運。 The packing is strong enough to stand long sea voyage.
固定搭配1、經得住顛簸 stand a lot of jolting
2、開放碼頭 open wharf
3、包裝不當 faulty packing
4、理賠 honor a claim
5、超出責任和授權范圍 beyond our funtions and powers