想要在GRE作文部分的考試中寫出優秀的文章,論據素材是重要的一環。好的論據不僅能幫助你支撐觀點,加強說服力,還能體現出考生在閱讀量上的積累和深厚扎實的語言功底基礎。特別是ISSUE作文,更是需要大量好素材作為儲備,才能保證考生無論遭遇那種題目,都能游刃有余地完成一篇高分作文的寫作。小編為大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各類題目的精品優質素材,一起來看吧。
Culture is defined here as a set of distinctive material, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual features of a social group, including art, literature, lifestyles, value systems, traditions, rituals, and beliefs. The link between human biology and human behavior and culture is often very close, making it difficult to clearly divide topics into one area or the other; as such, the placement of some subjects may be based primarily on convention.
Culture consists of values, social norms, and artifacts. A culture’s values define what it holds to be important or ethical. Closely linked are norms, expectations of how people ought to behave, bound by tradition. Artifacts, or material culture, are objects derived from the culture’s values, norms, and understanding of the world.
The mainstream anthropological view of culture implies that most people experience a strong resistance when reminded that there is an animal as well as a spiritual aspect to human nature.
Culture is a complex term that consists of so many things. At the base of culture, one would find people who live in social groups and share a way of living which separates them from other human groups. A culture may include rituals, religion, economic systems, language, a style of
dress, a way of cooking, and a political system. People who share a culture typically follow the same rules and form a social society.
Every culture includes a somewhat different web of patterns and meanings: ways of earning a living, systems of trade and government, social roles, religions, traditions in clothing and foods and arts, expectations for behavior, attitudes toward other cultures, and beliefs and values about all of these activities. Within a large society, there may be many groups, with distinctly different subcultures associated with region, ethnic origin, or social class. If a single culture is dominant in a large region, its values may be considered correct and may be promoted—not only by families and religious groups but also by schools and governments. Some subcultures may arise among special social categories (such as business executives and criminals), and some may cross national boundaries (such as musicians and scientists).