In some cultures the old age is more valued,while in some cultures youth is more valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
本考題屬于典型的社會類。以前類似考題曾考過“老年人與年輕人之間的不同”和“Every generation of people is different in important ways”.而本考題在考查范圍上有所定位, 用了“valued”這個詞。此題屬于“Discuss類”, 有兩個方面, 在論證時需要運用對稱式寫法。
開頭段: (鋪墊背景, 引出話題)
在不同的社會和文化背景下(under perse social and cultural circumstances), 公眾對老年人和年輕人的重視度有所不同(people from dissimilar backgrounds may have pergent attitudes towards the same issue with respect to the value of the old and youth respectively.)必須承認,雙方都各有價值和優點。(Admittedly,there are merits concerning both sides.)
主體第一段: (a. 指明老年人的價值和優勢&b.重視老年人的原因或目的)
飽經風霜(Having experienced and endured all the hardships of life);
富有經驗,知識廣博(sufficiently experienced and well knowledged)
懷舊,懂得珍惜,容易滿足,更能吃苦耐勞,更加理智 (reminiscent-inclined, more sensible to cherish, easily contented, bear hard work, more reasonable)
有豐富的人生觀和價值觀(abundant philosophy , social values and outlook on life); 社會責任感強(strong sense of social responsibility)
充分開發老年資源(Well explore the resources of the old),提高老年人生命和生活質量,構建和諧社會,促進人口老齡化與經濟、社會協調發展,實現社會可持續發展。實行積極的老齡化對策:健康、參與和保障。(enhance the life expectancy and standard to construct a harmonious society which promotes the coordinate growth of economy and sustainable development as well,with the implement of positive countermeasure involving health, participation and ensurance.)
主體第二段: (a. 指明年輕人的價值和優勢& b. 重視年輕人的原因或目的)
有活力的, 精力充沛,可塑性強(dynamic,energetic,moldable)
善于學習和接受新事物、新想法(be adept in learning and adopting up-to-date objects and notions.)
獨立性強,有幽默感和靈活性,有上進心,(independent, with sense of humor,flexible,striving)
接受了更好的教育,有競爭意識和合作意識,( better cultivated, with competitive and cooperative spirit)
熟知科技知識,善于溝通交流(well-informed of advanced technology, skillful in communication)
給社會發展注入新的動力和提供更廣闊的空間(novel motive power for social advancement with a wider range)
創造出更多的挑戰和機遇(create more challenges and opportunities)
鼓勵年輕人致力于奉獻社會,實現人生目標和社會價值(encourage youth to devote themselves to society for the sake of achieving life goal and social value)
On account of the incomparable advantages and irreplaceable value possessed by the old and youth respectively, special importance deserves to be attached to both accordingly to an identical extent rather than prejudiced.