The Rose
The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged1 us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming2 up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being. She said," Hi handsome. My name is Rose. I'm eighty-seven years old. Can I give you a hug?" I laughed and enthusiastically responded," Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant3 squeeze4.
" Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, " I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel." " No, seriously?" I asked. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.
" I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!" she told me. After class we walked to the student union building and shared a chocolate milkshake5. We became instant friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk nonstop6. I was always mesmerized7 listening to this " time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon8 and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in9 the attention bestowed10 up her from the other students. She was living it up11. At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I'll never forget what she taught us. She was introduced and stepped up to the podium12. As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she dropped her three by13 five cards on the floor. Frustrated and a little embarrassed she leaned into the microphone and simply said, " I'm sorry I'm so jittery14. I gave up beer for Lent15 and this whisky is killing me! I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know." As we laughed she cleared her throat and began:" We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only four secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success."
" You have to laugh and find humor every day."
" You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!"
" There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive thing, you will turn twenty years old. If I am eighty-seven years old and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn eighty-eight. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change."
" Have no regrets. The elderly usually don't have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets."
She concluded her speech by courageously16 singing " The Rose." She challenged each of us to study the lyrics and live them out17 in our daily lives.
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.
Over two thousand college students attended her funeral in tribute18 to the wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.
Remember, growing older is mandatory19, growing up is optional.
開學的第一天教授做了自我介紹,他還要求我們去結識某位我們還不認識的人。就在我站起來四處張望時,一只手輕輕地搭在了我的肩上。我轉過身一看,一位滿臉皺紋個子矮小的老太太正沖著我微笑。這微笑使她渾身光彩照人。她說:"嘿,帥小伙兒,我叫羅斯,今年87歲。我可以擁抱你嗎?"我笑了起來,熱情地答道: "當然可以啦!"她緊緊地擁抱了我。
1.challenge ]vt.要求
2.beam vi.(面)露喜色,(人)滿臉堆
3.giant adj.特大的
4.squeeze n.緊握,緊抱
5.milkshake n.泡沫牛奶(將牛奶、冰淇淋等混合后攪拌至起泡的飲料)
6.nonstop adv.不斷地,不停地
7.mesmerize vt.迷惑,迷住
8.icon n.偶像,崇拜對象
9.revel vi.(與in連用)陶醉,著迷
10.bestow vt.把…給予 it up 狂歡,享樂一番
12.podium n.講臺 prep. 表示乘、除、面積等
14.jittery adj.緊張不安的,神經過敏的
15.Lent n.大齋節(指復活節前為期40天的齋戒及懺悔,以紀念耶穌在荒野禁食。)
16.courageously adv.無畏地 out 實踐,身體力行
18.tribute n.頌辭,稱贊
19.mandatory adj.強制的