媽媽的重皇冠Mama's Heavy Crown
Gene Bullard
Kerrville, May 11, 1997
The old hymn asks, "Will there be any stars in my crown?"
One time years ago I wrote to my little hometown newspaper that if stars weigh anything, and surely they must, the crown for my mama will be too heavy for her to pick up.
As Mama went about her many hard tasks she would sing those old hymns to herself. At home or in church I have heard them hundreds of times and I still remember the words to every one. Those songs were a comfort to her and she needed and well deserved a lot more comfort than she ever had.
,People say kids are carefree and they mostly are. Parents are careworn and that is mostly because of kids. I remember one time about 50 years ago I came home from school in high spirits. I had won some scholastic honor or something and I was walking about a foot off the ground. Mama was down to earth. She was bending over her rub board and a No. 3 washtub of dirty clothes, maybe mine, and was probably trying to figure out what she would cook for supper to feed her husband and her hungry brood.
I will never forget that scene. Nothing good had happened to her all day but she knew something good had happened to me, her youngest son. She straightened from the rub board, smiled at me and with a sudsy left hand pushed back an errant strand of graying hair and said, "Tell me about it."
Mama always gloried in any success I had, large or small, and they were mostly small. She consoled me when I failed and I did that a lot. She never lost faith. She never failed to encourage me. I would never say she was a convincing liar, but she did say I was smart and good looking and that I would be a great success and no one could stop me.
Her faith lifted me up. She wasn't blind so she knew I was tall and skinny and had coarse, straight hair that stuck up in the back. She lent to me her strength of character. It was her faith in me that kept me going a lot of times when I was tired from bending over a sort of rub board of my own.
When I was little I would sometimes have an earache. Mama would come and lie down in my bed with me and gently blow her warm breath in my ear and stroke me and say quiet sweet things to me and make me sleep. In one way or another, she did the same kind of thing for me as long as she lived.
The Dallas Morning News once printed a piece of news about my success, daddy reading the paper with us. Mama never did that. She read the Bible with us.
It will soon be 20 years since she left us in body. She will never leave us in spirit. All five children she raised to adulthood still live and all are honorable, good citizens. We think of her and speak of her with a kind of reverence. She was truly good and selfless.
They didn't break the mold my mama came from. There are a great many more of them around. They make up the strong backbone of our nation. They are selfless, hard working, constant, loving and moral. I honor every one of them.
中英 散文本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/essay/54511.html