Gangnam Style《江南Style》騎馬舞步入門教學(雙語附圖)
The ‘Gangnam’ move “江南”式
By the time you read this blog, it would have touched over millions of views on YouTube – INSANE! To think it was only released on the 15th of July 2012!
What the heck does ‘Gangnam Style’ mean?
Wikipedia says:“(Gangnam) It is one of the most affluent areas of Seoul and is located in the southeast of the city (Seoul, South Korea)”
Wikipedia 解釋:“《江南Style》來自南韓俚語,指首都首爾一個富裕和時尚的地區---江南區的豪華生活方式”。
Davidseth who lived in Korea for 4 years says on
“Gangnam is like the “Upper East Side Manhattan” of Korea. It is dominated by Bentley’s, Rolls, Mercedes, McLarens etc. Gangnam style is therefore classy and upscale. The song is about how the singer likes a girl who is sophisticated and not trashy and she would like him because of vice versa.
Oppa n Gangnam Style means ‘Your Big Brother (more like older guy)’ has gangnam style.”
在韓國生活了4的年Davidseth說:“江南(Gangnam)區可以說是韓國的‘曼哈頓的上東區’,滿街都是賓利、勞斯萊斯、奔馳和邁凱輪之類的世界頂級跑車。江南Style是高貴和高檔的Style。《江南Style》這首歌講歌手喜歡一個世故而又不庸俗的mm,mm也喜歡歌手。歌詞“Oppa n Gangnam Style”的意思是“哥(像大叔更多點)是高帥富,洋洋江南Style”。
According to PSY’s fans who drew this – there are 4 simple steps:
鳥叔PSY (歌手名——譯注)的粉絲們總結出“江南”四式,示意如下
Step 1 – The sunglasses – pretend to put it on
Step 2 – The cowboy – dance like a cowboy
Step 3 – The horseback – ride a horse
Step 4 – The finish – running to the finish line
Since then, tonnes of people have caught up… including this Korean all-girl dance group…
試聽江南Style英文版1:Open Condom Star
試聽江南Style英文版2:奧巴馬競選之歌Vote Obama Style