Message by UNESCO DG Ms. Irina Bokova on the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace 20
This International Day is an opportunity to raise the banner for the power of sport for development and peace.
Sport is a passion shared by women and men across the world. It is a force for physical well-being and social empowerment. It is an engine for equality, especially gender equality, for including everyone, especially the most disadvantaged.
There is no more powerful platform than sport to nurture the values we all share – solidarity, responsibility, respect, honesty, teamwork, equality motivation and self-esteem… Sport is a way to include everyone, including refugees and migrants, to fight against stereotypes, to strengthen the foundations for peace in healthy societies.
As the world takes forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, we must do everything to support sport to leave no one behind. This is the spirit driving UNESCO’s International Charter for Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport, to ensure respect for the fundamental right to sport for every woman and man without discrimination. This same spirit inspires the work of volunteers across the world, dedicated to supporting sport for development and peace, whose work we commend today.
Physical inactivity leads every year to an estimated 3.2 million deaths. This is why UNESCO has joined forces with the World Health Organization to combat sedentary lifestyles, starting with inclusive and equitable quality physical education at school. This calls for new commitment and resources from all actors – to ensure public policies, especially in the fields of health, education, urban planning, infrastructure and transport, work also with the private sector in the development of legislation, regulations and national plans for sport. This is the goal of the 6th Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VI) organized by UNESCO, in partnership with the Russian Federation, in Kazan, from 13 to 15 July 2017. We must catalyse real action where it is needed. We must all get moving to make sport for all a reality – this has never been so vital.
缺乏鍛煉,每年導致大約320萬人死亡。正因如此,教科文組織與世界衛生組織攜手努力,從包容、公平、優質的學校體育教育入手,致力于改變久坐不動的生活方式。這需要所有各方作出新的承諾,投入資金,以健康、教育、城市規劃、基礎設施和交通等方面的公共政策為保障,并在編制體育方面的法律法規和國家計劃過程中與私營部門充分合作。這是教科文組織舉辦第六屆國際體育運動部長和高級官員會議(MINEPS VI)所要實現的目標,這次會議由俄羅斯聯邦協辦,將于 2017年7月13日至15日在喀山召開。我們必須根據實際需要推進切實的行動。我們必須共同行動起來,讓人人參加體育運動成為現實——這一點從未如此重要。