英漢對照圣經故事:但以理 Daniel
《舊約》先知之一,〈但以理書〉的中心人物。此書是用希伯來文(Hebrew)、阿拉米文(Aramaic)撰寫的合成作品,前六章描述但以理和他在巴比倫(Babylon)的遭遇,包括他陷入獅圈安然脫困、猶太人被投入火爐的故事,以及在伯沙撒(Belshazzar)擺設盛筵時墻上出現文字等。其余部分以啟示觀點來看待末世和最后審判的來臨。此書雖有提到西元前6世紀的統治者,但許多學者認為它成書于西元前2世紀前半葉,反映猶太人在塞琉西國王安條克四世(Antiochus IV Epiphanes)統治下所受的迫害情形。但以理的正義形象使他成為受迫害的猶太人社會的典范人物。
One of the Old Testament prophets, the central figure in the Book of Daniel. The book is a composite work, written partly in Hebrew and partly in Aramaic. The first six chapters tell of Daniel and his adventures in Babylon, including the stories of Daniel's delivery from the lion's den, the Jews in the fiery furnace, and the writing on the wall at Belshazzar's feast. The rest of the book offers apocalyptic visions of the end of history and the last judgment. Though it contains references to rulers of the 6th century BC, the book is thought to have been written in the 2nd century BC during the persecutions of the Jews under Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Daniel's upright character made him a model for a persecuted community.
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