古德明英語軍事小故事:群鯊齒利波濤惡 (中英對照)
On 29 July 1945, the US heavy cruiser Indianapoliswas ripped by torpedoes from a Japanese submarine. Of the 1,199 crewmen, only about 850 escaped before the ship sank. In the confusion, the captain had been unable to send an SOS. The survivors were alone and unnoticed, except by the sharks. One sailor had his legs bitten off. Becoming top-heavy in his life jacket, he tipped upside down and drowned.Sunburn became lethal; men went blind. Those who drank seawater got salt poisoning; those who abstained succumbed to dehydration. Finally, on 2 August, they were spotted. A navy pilot on a routine flight had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil slick.When rescue ships arrived, the crew had been in the water for 96 hours. Only 316 men survived.