古德明英語軍事小故事:老當益壯 (中英對照)
on 1 july 1863, as the confederates pushed forward towards gettysburg, a 69-year-old man named john burns came up to a company of union infantry with a rifle on his shoulder. the union soldiers found that he was a veteran of the war of 1812 between britain and the united states, and he had come to fight. they offered him a cartridge box, but burns shook his head and slapped his pantaloon pocket saying,"i can get my hands in here quicker than in a box. i'm not used to them newfangled* things."burns was wounded by bullets in the arm, the leg, and the breast. as the union line began to give way, the union soldiers were forced to leave him behind. burns, however, managed to crawl away to safety. after the battle, he was elevated to the role of national hero.