In contemporary society, much ink has been spilled about......(題目改寫),and some claim that... Such assertion, however, is torn to pieces by others. As far as I am concerned, the statement that...(題目改寫)is arbitrary and one-sided because it fails to take all the related circumstances into consideration. We should analyze this statement comprehensively before we draw the eventual conclusion.結尾段In brief, based on the previous discussion, the issue...(改寫題目)is complex and needs a case by case analysis. We are not supposed to disregard those situations where the statement is unjustifiable. As a result, I cannot totally agree with this statement.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people nowadays do not give enough time to help their communities.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
First and foremost, with the living costs in most of megalopolises hitting all time high, a large proportion of young urban residents today are exposed to scissor-style pressure, as a result of which rare will be the spare time that is available for making contributions to improving the community. For relevant examples we only need to turn to the experience of my elder brother, a newly graduated college student, majoring in software engineering, working in a leading software company as a development engineer...
On the top of that, there is no point for the young people working in metropolises to help their neighbors if the chance of getting acquainted with them seems quit slim, thanks mainly to the advent of social network applications and also to the increasingly rapid pace of modern life. My elder brother's experience can be cited here again to shed the light on this point.Money is the most important aspect in a job.Material reward is not the only factor to consider while choosing a job, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those seasoned employees, thanks to the ever-increasing living cost in the overwhelming majority of metropolises, to the scissor-style pressure they are exposed to from supporting their aging parents as well as raising children, and above all, to their strong desire of receiving salaries in a reasonable proportion to their years of strenuous work.Helping the community| Voluntary work is not the only factor to consider in their spare time, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those young people from affluent families, thanks mainly to the strong desire to escape the ennui of home and to find identity, and also to the sense of self-fulfillment gained in such kind of activities.
With regard to young people in poor and backward areas, hardly could they have enough time to make contributions to the improvement of their communities on account of the fact that they have no options but to pull out all their stops to earn more money even at the cost their health. There are myriads of examples in our lives, one of which is my elder brother, a high school graduate, working as a waiter in a restaurant in Beijing.
However, when it comes to the youth in economically advanced/vibrant areas, it takes little imagination to think that a majority of them are willing to play an active role in bettering their neighborhoods.Granted, helping the community| Voluntary work is not the only factor to consider in their spare time, but it is the most appealing, particularly for those young people from affluent families, thanks mainly to the strong desire to escape the ennui of home and to find identity, and also to the sense of self-fulfillment gained in such kind of activities. It is much easier for the parents to raise children now than fifty years ago.
To achieve successful development of a country, a government should focus its budgets more on young children education than on higher education?
Today people cannot buy products based on information in their advertisements because advertisements are less honest than before.
題型: 今昔對比類
話題: 商業類
思路: 一邊倒,但是從公司和個人兩個角度進行分析
First of all, there is no denying that fewer and fewer companies would like to allure their customers through deceptive ads since the benefits of such kind of market activities pales into insignificance when set against their huge negative impact.Furthermore, at the individual level, with the advent of popularity of the internet, especially the introduction of all kinds of applications, an increasing number of consumers have come to the rude awakening that most of ads are at best informative and at worst misleading.
這里列出的都是body part最開頭的幾句,這里很多給出的理由和解題思路都給你列出來了,試著按他提供的這種自我分析一下。這里面其實有些句型和短語詞組是考場上很高頻地會用到的,你不妨就直接拿來背,不斷地套這些句型去寫不同主題的句子。因為我現在覺得水平不是很高的人如何在托福寫作拿高分?不是真的考場上寫出來的,是靠考場下準備出來的,是背出來的。像一些你平時覺得考試會經常用到的短語何不平時多總結多練習呢,考場上用到就直接蹦出來了,還會糾結怎么寫比較好嗎?就好比“許多”、“因為”這種的,你肯定會用,那就平日多總結。