古德明英語軍事小故事:用 人 莫 疑(中英對照)
用 人 莫 疑
in 333 bc, alexander the great became severely ill, and other than his own doctor philip no physician would treat him, fearing a misdiagnosis. as philip was preparing a potion for him, alexander received a letter from general parmenio, warning him to beware of his doctor, who was bribed by darius, king of persia, and was about to administer poison.
when the hour came that he should take his medicine, alexander passed the letter on to philip. it was wonderful to see one reading the letter and the other merrily drinking the medicine both at the same time. philip was understandably shaken at the false accusation, but he stood his ground and advised alexander to follow his instructious. alexander did follow his instructions and soon recovered.