經典名人英語演講稿33:國際原子能機構干事巴拉迪的演講 mp3
33. Speech by Mohamed Elbarade
33. 國際原子能機構干事巴拉迪的演講
Fifteen years ago, when the Cold War ended, many of us hoped for a new world order to emerge. A world order rooted in human solidarity, a world order that would be equitable, inclusive and effective.
But today we are nowhere near that goal. We may have tom down the walls between East and West, but we have yet to build the bridges between North and South, the rich and the poor.
Consider our development aid record. Last year, the nations of the world spent over $1 trillion on armaments. But we contributed less than 10 percent of that amount, a mere $80 billion, as official development assistance to the developing parts of the world, where 850 million people suffer from hunger.
My friend James Morris heads the World Food Programme, whose task is to feed the hungry. He recently told me, "If I could have just I percent of the money spent on global armaments, no one in this world would go to bed hungry."
It should not be a surprise then that poverty continues to breed conflict. Of the 13 million deaths due to armed conflict in the last ten years, 9 million occurred in sub-Saharan Africa, where the poorest of the poor live.
Consider also our approach to the sanctity and value of human life. In the aftermath of the September 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, we all grieved deeply, and expressed outrage at this heinous crime and rightly so. But many people today are unaware that, as the result of civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, 3.8 million people have lost their lives since 1998.
再看看我們對待人類尊嚴與價值的方式。在美國2001年 9.11恐怖襲擊時間發生之后,我們都陷入沉重的悲痛之中,對這種窮兇極惡的罪行感到憤怒。但是今天許多人并沒有意識到,由于剛果民主共和國的內戰,1998年至今,380萬人已經失去了他們的生命。
Are we to conclude that our priorities are skewed, and our approaches uneven?