N: Why didn't she try to find a job in Shanghai. (為何她不試著在上海找個工作呢?)
B: I asked her the same question, but her parents want her back.
N: So there is no way out? (難道就沒有別的辦法了?)
B: I don't know, maybe.
N: How did you meet?
B: Online?
N: Sure.
B: One day I got a message while online in OICQ. It was a simple HELLO, I searched the profile and saw this girl was in Shanghai too. How exotic I thought, I said Hi and we started talking about her university where just a few blocks from me. (一天我在上OICQ時,收到一聲簡單的問候“Hello”,我查了一下她的資料,發現這個女孩也是在上海,我感覺比較有意思,就跟她打了一聲招呼,然后我們就開始交談,談她的學校,發現她的學校離我只有幾個街區。)
N: What you talk about?
B: I don't know, she was so lovely and it was nice to chat in general about her school, my work, and everything. (我也不知道,她是那么可愛,我們什么都談,她的學校,我的工作,所有的東西。)
N: That's the beginning, and then?
N: Did you exchange your phone number?
B: We eventually talked about our past and then she told me her dorm number and I called back, we chatted off and on as friends. (我們談到了各自的過去,然后她告訴我她寢室的號碼,然后我就打過去,從那以后,我們成了網上網下的好朋友。)
N: That's your first online friend?
B: Let me think, yes, and you are the second.
趣味 英語本文地址:http://www.hengchuai.cn/writing/humor/73716.html