in 1462 the forces of the ottoman sultan mehmed Ⅱ were approaching the capital of their enemy, vlad dracul, when they encountered a scene of horror. stretching for more than a mile were thousands of sharpened stakes on which were impaled the bodies of turkish prisoners, who had been left to die there. the bodies were in various stages of decomposition, and the stench was indescribable. as the turks moved closer, clouds of ravens and other birds of prey rose up from the corpses they had been pecking. so appalling was the sight that even the ferocious mehmed was shaken and called off the invasion.in1462theforcesoftheottomansultanmehmedwereapproachingthecapitaloftheirenemy,vladdracul,whentheyencounteredasceneofhorror.stretchingformorethanamilewerethousandsofsharpenedstakesonwhichwereimpaledthebodiesofturkishprisoners,whohadbeenlefttodiethere.thebodieswereinvariousstagesofdecomposition,andthestenchwasindescribable.astheturksmovedcloser,cloudsofravensandotherbirdsofpreyroseupfromthecorpsestheyhadbeenpecking.soappallingwasthesightthateventheferociousmehmedwasshakenandcalledofftheinvasion.