- 那些妙趣橫生的英語幽默故事84:買東西和說閑話!
- 那些妙趣橫生的英語幽默故事A little girl was lost, so she went up to a policeman and said, "l've lost my moml" The cop said,"What's...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 追星族Starstruck--雙語幽默笑話
- Starstruck
I have been starstruck since I was a little girl, so I was delighted and practically speechless not long ago when I spotted the actor Ernest Borgnine walking in my directi...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 只有一次Only Once--雙語幽默笑話
- Only Once
A novice lion tamer was being interviewed. "I understand your father was also a lion tamer," the reporter queried.
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 過著舒適生活的加菲貓-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- garfield:all i ever do is eat and sleep,eat and sleep,eat and sleep.加菲貓:我向來都是吃了睡,吃了睡,睡了吃。garfield:there must be more to a cat's life than that.加菲貓:比起以前加菲貓的生活變得更...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 加菲貓拒絕搖尾乞憐-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- jon:here,garfield...beg.喬恩:加菲貓,過來。garfield:(swipe!)加菲貓:(猛擊!)jon:eeyouch!!garfield:groveling is not one of my strong suits.加菲貓:搖尾乞憐不是我的特長。 更多 英語笑...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 世界上最偉大的擊劍手--雙語幽默笑話
- The World's Greatest Swordsman
At an exhibition of the world's best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword h...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- Patience耐性--雙語幽默笑話
- Patience
耐 性
Angler: You've been watching me for three hours now. Why don't you try yourself?
Onlooker: I haven't got the patience....
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 好消息和壞消息--雙語幽默笑話
- Good News And Bad News
"There's good news and bad news," the divorce lawyer told his client.
"I could sure use some good new...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 喜歡呆在高處的加菲貓-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- garfield:our cats like to sit in high places.it reinforces our superiority.加菲貓:我們的貓喜歡呆在高處,更加強了我們的優越性。garfield:help.加菲貓:救命。garfield:garfield,you dummy.加菲貓:加菲貓,你...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 加菲貓的自我評價-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- garfield:cats...加菲貓:貓族們...garfield:we cats are intelligent,soft,cute...加菲貓:我們貓族們是聰明的,溫柔的,可愛的...garfield:furry cuddly...加菲貓:而且毛毛茸茸的抱著很舒服。garfield:playful......
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 搞錯了A Mistake--雙語幽默笑話
- A Mistake
An Amercian, a Scot and a Canadian were killed in a car accident. They arrived at the gates of heaven, where a flustered St. Peterexplained that there had been a mistake. "...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 臭鼬Skunk--雙語幽默笑話
- Skunk
臭 鼬
"We have a skunk in the basement," shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. "How can we get it out?"
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 最好的獎賞Best Reward--雙語幽默笑話
- Best Reward
A naval officer fell overboard. He was rescued by a deck hand. The officer asked how he could reward him.
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 正是士兵None Other Than a Soldier--雙語幽默笑話
- None Other Than a Soldier
As a newly commissinaed infantry lieutenant, I was eager to set an example for my platoon by cleaning my own M-16 rifle. While we were working on the weap...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 送給加菲貓的生日禮物-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- jon:happy birthday,garfield.i have a surprise for you.喬恩:生日快樂,加菲貓,我給你準備了一個驚喜。jon:a rubber mousey!喬恩:一個橡膠老鼠。garfield:could've used a little salt...加菲貓:里面放了一些鹽...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 漫畫家喬恩-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- jon:hi,there...i'm jon arbuckle.i'm a cartoonist,and this is my cat,garfield.喬恩:我是喬恩.阿布庫。我是一位漫畫家,這是我的貓,加菲貓。garfield:hi,there.i'm garfield.i'm a cat,and this is my carto...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 士兵逃離戰斗I Didn't Know That I Was So Far Back Already! --雙語幽默笑話
- I Didn't Know That I Was So Far Back Already!
A big battle was going on during the First World War. Guns were firing, and shells and bullets were flying about every...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 速度限制Speed Limit--雙語幽默笑話
- Speed Limit
The British RAF base where I was stationed as part of a contingent of USAF personnel had one narrow road winding through the crowded residential area. After a rash of m...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 西點軍校West Point--雙語幽默笑話
- West Point
My father, brother and I visited West Point to see a football game between Army and Boston College. Taking a stroll before kickoff, we met many cadets in neatly pressed uniforms....
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 視力訓練Visual Training--雙語幽默笑話
- Visual Training
The squad was having "visual training". One smart recruit was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. The party was...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 快速反應Quick Reaction--雙語幽默笑話
- Quick Reaction
My battery commander and I were interviewing candidates for a position as reconnaissance sergeant in our artillery unit. The selected soldier needed to have keen eye...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 喬恩與喬安的對話-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- jon:jo-ann,it's jon arbuckle.i was wondering if you were doing anything on new years.喬恩:喬安,我是喬恩。我想知道新年你將會做什么?jon:i don't believe it...喬恩:我不相信...jon:her answering machin...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 喬恩準備藏禮物-看漫畫學英語之加菲貓[4]--雙語幽默漫畫
- jon:i'm leaving your present under the tree.喬恩:我把禮物給你放到樹底下了。jon:i'm trusting you not to peek.喬恩:我相信你不會偷看的。garfield:you have my word of honor.加菲貓:我用人格擔保。jon:u...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 大制服Large Uniforms--雙語幽默笑話
- Large Uniforms
During our first three days at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, we were herded from place to place for haircuts, shots and uniforms. Back in our barracks, the d...
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 中間戰術Midway Tactics--雙語幽默笑話
- Midway Tactics
Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.
2018-10-30 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事