- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精65:Contribution貢獻(英漢雙語笑話)
- 65. Contribution65.貢獻A friend of mine, a Sunday-school teacher,attended a church dinner with her husband,who isn't much of a church一goer. The pastor asked each perso...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精66:New Year Resolution新年決心書(英漢雙語笑話)
- 66. New Year Resolution66.新年決心書Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year's resolution on a special form a...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精67:Keys? Kiss鑰匙?接吻(英漢雙語笑話)
- 67.Keys? Kiss67.鑰匙?接吻A friend of mine was giving an English lesson to a class of adults who had recently come to live in the United States. After placing quite a...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精68:What Is It For那是做什么用的(英漢雙語笑話)
- 68. What Is It For68.那是做什么用的While proudly showing off his newapartment to friends,a college student led theway into the den. "What is the big brass gongand ham...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精72:A Clever Student聰明的學生(英漢雙語笑話)
- 72.A Clever Student72.聰明的學生The teacher arranges to write an article concerning weekend,but Shigemitsu cannot write it up. His classmate Shiratori says: It will do...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精71:Neither Bird Nor Beast禽獸不如(英漢雙語笑話)
- 71.Neither Bird Nor Beast71.禽獸不如When phoenix spent his birthday,the bat did not attend,saying,“I have four legs,so I belong to a beast.”I should not attend. When Ky...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精70:It’s Important重要性(英漢雙語笑話)
- 70.It’s Important70.重要性Mother rat,as well as his children,is playing game.Suddenly a big spotted cat comes near,so the rats flee for lives hurriedly.The little...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精69:Parking Expenses停車費(英漢雙語笑話)
- 69. Parking Expenses69.停車費A businessman walked into a New York City bank and asked for the loan officer. He said he was going to Europe on business for two weeks a...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 調戲騙子的全過程,簡直不能更機智了
- 手機被黑之后。。。一個小哥調戲手機騙子的全過程。。。簡直不能更機智哈哈哈~~~~ 更多 英語笑話、英語小笑話、英文笑話、英語幽默小故事 相關文章和資料,請繼續關注 英語作文大全...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 空中德云社:一個從機長到空姐全是逗比段子手的蛇精病航空公司
- 說到廉價航空,你會想起什么?窄小的座位,整個飛行過程中花樣推銷,沒有飛機餐,沒有免費飲料......好像除了便宜和快以外一無是處。的確,廉價航空為了名副其實不得不絞盡腦汁壓(ya)低(zha)成(cheng)本(ke)。但是,如果...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精73:Philosophy Test哲學考試(英漢雙語笑話)
- 73. Philosophy Test73.哲學考試John and Tom chose the philosophy course this term.約翰和湯姆這學期選修了哲學課。The teacher said,“Boys,you need to take a test before yo...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 一封員工要求加薪的英文信以及老板的回信
- 一封員工要求加薪的英文信以及老板的回信,小編只想說——都是人才啊!dear bo$$in thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. i think you $hould be under$tanding of theneed$ of u$...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹03:蘑菇與毒蕈(中英)
- Younger Scout: How can I tell the difference between a mushroom and a toadstool?年少的童子軍:我怎樣才能把蘑菇和毒覃區別開呢?Older Scout:Just eat one before you go to bed.年長的童子軍:上...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹02:省錢(中英)
- Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday.亨利是個美國人,他到倫敦來度假。One day he was not feeling well, so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and sa...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹01:哭泣的飼養員(中英)
- A visitor to the zoo noticed one of the keepers sobbing quietly in a corner and on inquiry was told that the elephant had died. 一名參觀動物園的游客注意到一名飼養員正躲在角落里默默地哭泣。他...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精74:Professor’s Logic教授的邏輯(英漢雙語笑話)
- 74. Professor’s Logic74.教授的邏輯A college student was in a philosophy class which had a discussion about God’s existence.The professor presented the fol...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精77.I Thought You Called The Next Student我以為你在叫下一個學生(英漢雙語笑話)
- 77.I Thought You Called The Next Student77.我以為你在叫下一個學生A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions,but the student could not answer any of them. The te...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精76.Helen’s Glasses海倫的眼鏡(英漢雙語笑話)
- 76. Helen’s Glasses76.海倫的眼鏡Helen’s eyes was not very good,so she usually wore glasses.But when she was seventeen and she began to go out with a young...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精75.The Much Noise In Class教室里太吵了(英漢雙語笑話)
- 75.The Much Noise In Class75.教室里太吵了It was the first day of school.As the principal made his rounds,he heard a terrible commotion coming from one of the classroom...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹04:你會怎么辦?(中英)
- Son: Mum ,if someone broke your best. vase what would you do?兒子:媽媽,如果有人打碎了你最好的花瓶,你會怎么辦?Mum: I'd spank him and send him to bed without any supper!媽媽:我要揍他,還不讓他吃晚飯就...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精79.The Rain On The Road下在路上的雨(英漢雙語笑話)
- 79.The Rain On The Road79.下在路上的雨A small boy and his nature science teacher were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard. They did...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精78.Subjects For A Date約會的話題(英漢雙語笑話)
- 78.Subjects For A Date78.約會的話題A boy is about to go on his first date,and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice.一個男到匕第一次赴約會...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹06:我沒看到它(中英)
- Mother: I left two pieces of cake in the cupboard this morning, Johmmy,and now there is only one piece left. Can you explain that?媽媽: 約翰尼,我今天早上在櫥子里放了兩塊點心。現在就剩下一塊...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹05:小妹妹(中英)
- Nurse: Don't you like your new baby sister, Johnny?保姆: 約翰尼,你難道不喜歡你新生的小妹妹?Johnny: She's all right, but I wish she had been a boy. Willie Smith had got a new sister, and now he...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹08:生日禮物(1)(中英)
- Annie: Mum,do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday?安妮: 媽媽,你知道你過生日我會送你什么禮物嗎?Mum: No,dear,what is it?媽媽: 親愛的,我猜不出來,是什么東西呀?Annie: A nice t...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事