- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹17:愛爾蘭人的運氣 (中英)
- Two Irish lovers are sitting on a bench, in a park. They are holding hands,but the lady is nervously twisting her hands.一對愛爾蘭情侶坐在公園里的長椅上。他們手牽著手,但是那個女的一直緊張地擺弄...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹18:兩個錯誤 (中英)
- For a long time Dr. Smith had wanted to get a better job in a certain big modern hospital, and at last he was successful. He was appointed to a particular position, which he wanted,and his wif...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語幽默漫畫帶翻譯:他們從來沒有回來(雙語)
- Clumsy: Do you think we’ve been visited by intelligent beings from outer space?笨笨:你認為我們已經被來自外太空的智慧生物的訪問?Curls: I’m sure of it!卷發:我肯定!Clumsy: How can you be...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語幽默漫畫帶翻譯:胖大(雙語)
- Fat broad: I’ll been in a weight-loss program for 6 weeks胖大:我會被制定6周減肥計劃Sally: No kidding?How much have you lost?莎莉:不是開玩笑吧?你損失了多少錢?Fat broad: $500.00胖大:500美元...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹19:每根都能劃得燃 (中英)
- 有一個特別在乎錢的人,一天他叫兒子去買一盒火柴,并且告訴兒子一定要搞清楚每根火柴都是好的。他的兒子一會兒就回來了。這個人拿出火柴劃了一根,沒有燃著。他又劃了幾根還是沒有一根劃燃。他非常生氣地說:“我...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹20:唱出你的心聲 (中英)
- There was a little girl whose mother was very strict. Her mother tried to make her daughter behave in a very decent manner, but the girl was still three and half years old. One day the family...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精93:Reminder催單(英漢雙語笑話)
- 93. Reminder93.催單In the veterinary office where I’m a technician,we mail out reminders when pets are due for vaccinations. Bruno,a German shepherd,arrived for...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精92:Sleeping Pills安眠藥(英漢雙語笑話)
- 92.Sleeping Pills92.安眠藥Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night.He went to see his doctor,who prescribed some extra一strong sleeping pills.鮑勃晚上失眠。他...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語幽默漫畫帶翻譯:今日特別推薦(雙語)
- Meatloaf du jour今日特別推薦Something to avoid at the desert “last-stop” diner沙漠中避免最后一餐的地方 更多 英語笑話、英語小笑話、英文笑話、英語幽默小故事 相關文章和...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語幽默漫畫帶翻譯:真的更長壽嗎(雙語)
- Sonny:Hi,Gramps.桑尼:爺爺您好。Gramps: Hi Sonny…What did you learn in school today?爺爺:嗨今天在學校學了什么?Sonny: That laughter can add many years to your life!桑尼:笑聲可以給你更長壽!Sonny:...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精95:How Did You Ever Get Here 你是怎樣來的(英漢雙語笑話)
- 95.How Did You Ever Get Here95.你是怎樣來的One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late.“It was so slippery out that for ev...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑英語幽默笑話精94:Imitate Birds模仿鳥兒(英漢雙語笑話)
- 94.Imitate Birds94.模仿鳥兒A man tried to get a job in a stage show."What can you dot”asked the producer.一個人想在一個舞臺劇中找份工作。“你能干什么呢?”導演問。“I...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹24:金色的酒吧 (中英)
- One night, a man comes home slightly drunk and his wife ( who is suspecting he’s cheating on her) questions his whereabouts…一天深夜,一個男人稍有醉意回到家中。他的妻子問他去哪了(...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹21:上天堂還是下地獄 (中英)
- Two guys recently dead were given the option to stay either in Heaven or Hell fog the rest of their eternity. They asked if it was OK to look around first, and to their surprise,it was.First,...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹22:報復 (中英)
- In the army a company of soldiers decided to have some fun with their company cook, a short, fat, very un-martial young man. So every morning before he woke up, one of them would defecate int...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹23:講出故事的結尾 (中英)
- The woman had been away for two days visiting a sick friend in another city. When she returned,her little boy greeted her by saying, "Mommy, guess what! Yesterday I was playing in the closet...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹27:法官的手表 (中英)
- A judge was instructing the jury that a witness was not necessarily to be regarded as untruthful because he changed his statement after he gave it to the police."For example," he said, "when...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹25:美女上班 (中英)
- A blonde who had been unemployed for several months got a job with Public Works. She was to paint lines down the center of a rural road. The supervisor told her that she was on probation and...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹26:寄給上帝的信 (中英)
- 一個小男孩非常想要一百美元買一輛自行車,但是祈禱了兩個星期也沒有結果。于是,他決定給上帝寫一封信要這一百美元。當郵局收到這封收信人為“美國,上帝”的信后,他們決定把它寄給美國總統。總統很重視,也很感動...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語幽默漫畫帶翻譯:奇怪的伴侶(雙語)
- Son: What’s an “aspersion”, dad?兒子:什么是“誹謗”,爸爸?Dad: A snippy remark.爸爸:一個傲慢的話。Son: What’s “snippy”?兒子:什么是“傲慢”?Dad: …Aahhh, scissors!爸爸:啊啊啊,&hel...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹29:新手上班 (中英)
- A rookie police officer was out for his first ride in a cruiser with an experienced partner. A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering. The officers drove to the...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹28:等警察來 (中英)
- Sam and a priest are driving one day and by a freak accident,have a head-on collision with tremendous force. Both cars are totally demolished,but amazingly,neither Sam nor the cleric has a scrat...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹33:誰是喬治?華盛頓 (中英)
- 有一位老師問了一個學生很多問題,但那個學生一個問題也回答不上來。于是,老師決定問他一些非常簡單的問題,使他能答對幾個。A teacher was asking a student a lot of question,but the student couldn’...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹32:只聽上帝的安排 (中英)
- A man walks along a lonely beach. Suddenly he hears a deep voice: DIG!一個男人孤獨的在海灘上散步。突然他聽到一個低沉的聲音:“挖!”He looks around: nobody's there. I am having hallucinations,...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 外國最新英語幽默笑話精粹31:我的房間在哪? (中英)
- A deaf couple checks into a motel very late at night. Upon moving into their assigned room, they go to bed. But in the middle of the night, the woman has a headache,so she goes into the bathro...
2018-10-31 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事