- 英語基本功差:常常鬧笑話
- 英語笑話(一) 老師在黑板上寫了一句:time is money.并讓同學們翻譯。有名學生答道:“湯姆是瑪麗。” 小明上英文課時跟老師說:may i go to...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:大學生重寫的圣經
- 1. last supper would have been eaten the next morning - cold.2. the ten commandments are actually only five, double-spaced, and wr...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 情人節英語笑話:愛的羅曼史
- a little nuts about lovedriving through southern california, i stopped at a roadside stand that sold fruit, vegetables and crafts. as i went to pay, i noticed the young woman behind the count...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 男人們的悖論——“抵制”情人節
- we guys always hear the rules from ... 我們男人總是聽到自己女人制訂的規則,以下是我們的規則。注意!所有的規則都被列為“第一”,這是有意...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:美國人幽默的電話留言
- 中國家庭并不常用電話答錄機(answering machine),但在北美家庭,幾乎家家都用。外來電話撥入時,若該電話號碼的主人不在,就會讓撥入者聽到一段留...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話一則:不錯,真地很好
- one day these two fine southern ladies were sittin' on the front porch having some iced tea. one of the women sticks out her hand for the other woman to see, and in her long southern drawl sa...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:英國年度最佳笑話
英國笑話大賽獲獎作品,專門調侃大導演斯皮爾伯格的。雖然這涉及chinese,但我覺得編笑話者并無惡意,只管笑,不要太敏感啊!a chinese walked into a bar in america late one night and he saw s...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 開心雙語:沒事偷著樂 職業賭徒
- during the great depression, there was a man who walked into a bar one day. he went up to the bartender and said, "bartender, i'd like to buy the house a round of drinks."the bartender sai...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:大熊貓吃霸王餐 說明標點符號很重要
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:世上沒有完美的男人
- there was a perfect man and a perfect woman. they met each other at a perfect party. they dated for two perfect years. they had the perfect wedding and the perfect honeymoon. they had two per...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:兒子你是這么來到世界上的
- "daddy?how did i come into this world?"「爹地,我是怎么來到這世界的?」"well,my child,someday i"ll have to tell you anyway."「哦,兒子啊,總有一天我會讓你知道的。」"so why not today?please!"「拜托!為...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 雙語搞笑:一句話幽默
- i used to eat a lot of natural foods until i learned that most people die of natural causes.自從我聽說“人還是死于天然原因者居多...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話一則:餐桌失言
- ...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:有意思的Q&A
- q: what's the difference between a monkey and a flea?a: a monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys.猴子會和跳蚤有什么...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:You V.S. Your boss 員工和老板的區別
- When you take a long time, you're slow.When your boss takes a long time, he's thorough.When you don't do it, you're lazy.When your...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:Men V.S Women 男人和女人的區別
- A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.A woman worries about the future...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:roast pig 烤乳豬
- roast pigA gentleman was invited for dinner. When he hurried there and sat down, he was happy to see a roast pig in front of his seat:"Not bad, I am next to the pig." But then he noticed the...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:Deduction 福爾摩斯的推理和華森的推理
- sherlock holmes and watson were out camping one night.歇洛克·福爾摩斯和華森有天夜里去露營。after pitching the tent and rolling out the sleeping bags, they decide to turn in.搭起帳篷鋪好睡袋...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:The Lost God 上帝被偷了
- the minister took the boy into his office, thinking that he would teach him a little bit on religion and virtue. using a gentle voice, he asked the boy: "do you know where god is?" the boy di...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語笑話:The Blind Date 初次約會
- after being with her all evening, the man couldn‘t take another minute with his blind date. earlier, he had secretly arrange...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:A Letter from Mom 一封母親寫給孩子的信
- dear child:(親愛的孩子)i am writing this slow because i know that you can't read fast.(我寫的很慢因為我知道你不能讀得很快)we don't live where we did when you left home. (當你離家后我們就不住在原來...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:Mother Mouse 鼠媽媽
- a mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush.老鼠媽媽帶著孩子們散步的時候看見一只貓躲在樹叢后面.she watched the cat, and the cat watched t...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語笑話:Pay Day 發薪日
- A building contractor was being paid by the week for a job that was likely to stretch over several months. He approached the owner...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英語笑話:關于豬的笑話
- a man was sued by a woman for defamation of character. she charged that he had called her a pig. the man was found guilty and fine...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:縱使你語法再好 也會讓你頭暈的八個英文句子
- 很有意思的幾句話o(∩_∩)o...1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻煩沒來找你,就別去自找麻煩。第一、四個trouble是動詞...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事